Shorting Evil, by Robert Gore

Evil is in a topping formation.

Evil is completely dependent on the good it attempts to destroy. When good discovered fire, invented the wheel, and started planting seeds, evil invented government. Evil produces nothing, it only commands, coerces, enslaves, destroys, and murders. Gigantic tombs loom over Egypt’s desert, built by slaves millennia ago, monuments to rulers’ vanity. A single farmer working the Nile’s alluvial soil produced more than any pharaoh, yet the former had to send a portion of his crop to the latter. Nothing has changed since then. How do the production and lives of the good become the property of evil?

Force, fear, and fraud are the usual answers, but they can’t be the entire answer. Rulers and their military and police forces are always vastly outnumbered by the ruled. Revolts have brought down countless governments. Yet, why have most people down through the ages not revolted but endured the force, fear, and fraud?

The trick is to get the ruled to assign their right in their own lives to the rulers, acting as the purported agent of a collective. If the mass of people accept the proposition that there is a cause or causes greater than themselves, the rest is easy. So, find a greater cause—God, country, fighting evil enemies domestic or foreign, fighting a deadly germ, safety, the common good, the public interest, global warming, global cooling, climate change—the list is endless.

The people will fight wars, pay taxes, comply with every absurd law and regulation, mask up, lockdown, take deadly vaccines, embrace misery, and line up for the concentration camps. Who am I, they might ask, to question, to object, to fight, to revolt? They’ve already answered that question. They’ve surrendered their lives and souls; they are nobodies. Figuratively and perhaps literally, these corpses will join the stack in the ditch or the ashes in the crematorium.



The rulers expertly play their emotions, but what stirs their greatest passion is the occasional odd man or woman out—the ones who refuse to assign their lives to the collective. The nothings burn the somethings at the stake; self-loathing finds its expression in destruction and death.

By a wide margin no person or institution has caused more destruction and death than governments. Evil and governments are joined at the hip, and history’s bloodiest epoch, from World War I right up to today, has also been the epoch of its largest and most totalitarian governments. That’s no coincidence.

That epoch is drawing to its bloody close. Evil finds itself undone by its perpetual nemesis, its inability to produce. Honest income statements for the world would show that production and income are in decline. Honest balance sheets would show that the world is bankrupt, debt far in excess of assets and almost every asset already pledged as collateral, often several times over.

The rapacity of evil knows no limits. Plans are supposedly being made for a Great Taking, which will hoover up much of the world’s book entry claims—or in the lingo of the thieves, subordinated security entitlements—on income and assets. Those entitlements are subordinated to “secured creditors,” the largest participants in the derivatives complex. Imagine losing your stocks to Goldman Sachs. The grim joke is on evil. A Great Taking may well happen—once. Evil will feed itself for a few weeks or months, but just like its victims, it will ultimately own nothing.

The claims it seizes will be rendered worthless by the seizure itself. Who will produce anything when everything they’ve produced has been stolen? Most of what is currently reckoned as assets is debt or equity claims on production that will cease, assets that will be worthless without production, or, most absurdly, on other debt and equity claims in the debt-and-derivatives daisy chain.

The Great Takers are going to have to hurry. A prick of the quadrillion-dollar (a double-digit multiple of global GDP) derivatives bubble, which could happen any day now, may beat them to the punch, quickly marking assets to their true value in a bankrupt world: zero. There’ll be nothing left to Take. The commercial real estate fiasco is a preview of coming attractions.

The fall will probably kill us, but it’s a pity that nobody has figured out a derivative for evil, because it’s a massive short sale. Someone should set up an exchange traded fund for the stocks of the companies that have crawled into bed with the government: Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Social Media, Big Mainstream Media, Big Med, Big Defense, Big Intel, Big Education, Big Ag, Big Insurance, Big Wall Street, Big Banking, Big Utility, Big Energy, and Big Manufacturing. Come to think of it, that would be an index fund resembling the Standard & Poors 500—everybody’s in bed with the government! Call it corporatocracy or facism or whatever you’d like. Shorting a derivative would be a bet on the downfall of collectivist evil (please note: SLL is not an investment advisor). If it works out, just make sure you convert your winnings to gold.

In the same feral way that prey often senses predator in the wild, the ruling caste senses the danger. The panic is palpable. The lies are nonstop, with censorship or prison the only responses to those who expose them. Cans are kicked, scapegoats found, critics canceled, votes rigged, people disappeared—anything to delay recognition and the reckoning for another day.

They take refuge in fantasy. Promote a war that can’t be won against a superpower in Ukraine and babble insanely about “winnable” nuclear exchanges. Support slaughter in Gaza. Make war on drugs, poverty, terrorism, and germs, and make each one worse. Keep borrowing, spending, promising, lying, and stealing. Keep promulgating economically destructive laws and regulations. Keep paying migrants to illegally enter the country. Keep advancing incompetents of the “right” race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender. Keep calling opposition insurrection or treason and tyrannize at every opportunity.

As an aside, you have to wonder how much of their fantasy is fueled by cocaine—ego candy—or other drugs. Our rulers are Tony Montana during the final shootout in Scarface—arrogantly oblivious to the dangers besetting them and seemingly high as a kite. Zelensky demanding that Russia relinquish all the territory it now occupies, Biden’s State of the Union rant, Macron threatening to send French troops to Ukraine, Netanyahu bombing an Iranian consulate, Von der Leyen, Trudeau and a gaggle of lesser lights every time they open their mouths—these are manifestations of addled minds.

The most fantastical fantasy is global governance. It’s axiomatic that the bigger the government, the greater the evil. So, not surprisingly, the plan envisions wiping out a good portion of the human race. Death rates are climbing and life expectancies plunging from bioweapons and vaccines, opioids, socialized medicine, an industrialized agriculture and its unhealthy food, ecological and climate tampering, shrinking real incomes, poverty, and psychological deterioration from 24/7 promotion of crises, fear, and totalitarianism.

As more people see the brick wall behind the curtain, ruling caste panic intensifies. The rabble aren’t buying into the plan and they’re not dying quickly enough. Thus the seemingly inexorable march towards World War III. Either one or both of the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East could devolve into global conflict that gives the overlords the death toll they crave.

Death, including their own, is their objective, not the supposedly better world they say they’re after. Yes, that’s insane. Nuclear war would wipe out the rulers as well as the ruled. Tony Montana knew he was a dead man when he stepped out on the landing with his submachine guns. Self-immolation is a feature, not a bug, of their plan. The desire for one’s own death is the ultimate insanity.

We have numbers, decentralized power, productive ability, and sanity on our side. It’s clear that warfare has undergone a fundamental change. Invasion and occupation has become virtually untenable against decentralized insurgency, or even chaotic agents with no overt political goals. The U.S. government has its long string of failed wars, and its occupation of its own country is in trouble, too. It has already ceded control of the cities and the southern border. Those fall into the category of chaos with no overt (but perhaps covert) political goals.

There are Americans with overt political objectives—secure borders, safety from crime, a healthy economy, an end to foreign interventionism, a smaller government that leaves them alone—who are potential insurgents as conditions deteriorate. “Right-wing extremism” or “Trump’s threat to democracy” are the ruling caste’s short-hand pejoratives for the dangers of insurgency. They suggest a marginalized group, but it numbers in the tens of millions. Trump has won two elections and is on his way to a third victory. By trying to make peaceful change at the ballot box impossible, they’re making violent revolution inevitable.

That revolution has been presaged by the revolution in communications. Controlling the narrative has long been the overrated and incompletely realized goal of governments. Even the government of the Soviet Union never achieved complete control, and it fell apart in 1991. Seems that you can’t stop people from thinking or talking to other thinking people in venues you don’t control.

Or posting articles, pictures, videos, podcasts, and memes on the Internet. Due to its nonstop lying, legacy media has destroyed its credibility. COVID and vaccine propaganda was the watershed. Tiktok videos of dancing nurses gave way to spike protein proliferation, heart and circulatory system malfunction, diminished fertility, turbo cancers, a host of other maladies, “died suddenly,” and elevated death rates. The “cures,” corruption, and totalitarian measures foisted on the public proved far worse than the disease, which would have been rendered insignificant if effective preventatives and cures hadn’t been withheld or officially discouraged.

So, the ruling caste has switched the justification for its jihad against production and the populace back to climate change. The so-called consensus Science had been discredited before COVID, now it’s been obliterated. Instead of citing Science, the ruling caste asserts climate change as an established fact. Anyone who doubts it or demands evidence is an ignorant denier, undoubtedly motivated by “extreme” political views. The credentials of the experts now publishing contra-narrative articles and featured in videos like “Climate: The Movie” wipes out that smear.

Climate change acolytes have quit making apocalyptic predictions, because every one they made, except those that are still safely nestled in the future, turned out wrong. Unfortunately, they’ve replaced future predictions with future mandates. 50 percent of us will be driving EVs by 2030, we’ll only eat meat once a week by 2032, we’ll eat bugs twice a day by 2035, gas burning stoves gone by 2028, 15-minute cities here by 2040, carbon neutrality by 2045, and so on and so on. Nothing turns on the acolytes quite like mandates. Insipid propaganda, force, involuntary compliance, misery for the masses, punishment for the noncompliant, and more power for the acolytes—what’s not to love?

Evil can’t produce and it’s making war on those who can. Shorting evil is a bet that the whole thing falls apart. That has to be the safest bet extant, outside of a wager that the ruling caste will lie. (It may not be that hard to find the other side of that wager; there are still believers.)

The dinosaur governments we have now mark an historical apex of size, theft, and power. They’ll follow the Soviet Union’s government into extinction, done in by decentralizing technologies, communications, and weaponry, insurgency, producers refusals to produce beyond subsistence, and chaos that overwhelms command and control. After they fall, it may be centuries, if ever, before we’ll see their like again.

We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, 1776

These are still the most revolutionary words ever penned, or quilled. “Inalienable” means that those rights can never be assigned. Practically speaking, it means that all efforts to forcibly impose the moral horror of collectivism are doomed to failure. They have always failed; they are failing now. It’s our job to hasten the fall . . . and to get it right the next time.

28 responses to “Shorting Evil, by Robert Gore

  1. I am Spartacus!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Shorting Evil – The Burning Platform

  3. Thank you for ALL you do. SLL is my cornerstone for news and views; a daily foundational read, literally.

    I have long believed and accepted (4 years now) there is only one meaningful way to respond to this evil. I’m fairly certain that you, and many many others like you and TL, know it in your gut. 

    Evil gets off on mockery and satire … “land of the free and the home of the brave.” I wanna vomit.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. More than like. It energizes, informs and inspires me. I am deeply grateful.


  5. Havel talks about the ultimate power which people living in Soviet-era Czechoslovakia had, one no government could take away: the power of the powerless. Nobody believed the charade of the ‘worker’s paradise’ foisted on them by the state propaganda but went through the motions, merely mouthing the hollow slogans. Increasingly people in the modern consumer’s paradise are learning the same lesson. The gerbil wheel of producing to stay afloat amid ever-increasing debt levels is soul sucking and leads to misery and an early death. In the end, the result will be the same: the center cannot hold and the system will fall apart.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: Shorting Evil - Robert Gore - The Falling Darkness

  7. Neo is the One

    What would Tony Montana do?

    Evil always overplays its hand and consumes itself.

    Like Ouroboros the snake.

    If they [historians] say it only took 3% in the original American Revolution, the amount who had the brains and the balls to do something about it, then I like our contemporary chances.

    And I’m not even an optimist.

    The problem is the swarm of boat anchors known as Joe Normie and Karen Wratched, these mushrooms kept in the dark and fed shit.

    Brandon goood, Trump baaad, go the sheep.

    There is no opposition party [UNI] and they are all in on it.

    You can count useful members of gov on one hand and have fingers left over.

    Slouching towards Bethlehem before the glow in the dark Ozymandias sign goes up.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Pingback: Shorting Evil | Financial Survival Network

  9. Pingback: Nothing New Under The Sun 2016

  10. A bit of research into Egypt wouldn’t go amiss.

    I have little faith that the mob wouldn’t set about creating exactly the same institutions as we have now.

    “The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you’re inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.”

    Morpheus, The Matrix

    ‘Do you have enough power to enforce your will or do you not’, is the only law. All the rest is but a defensive wall built within the minds of men’s imagination to consolidate the conquistadore’s violent thefts and have the conquered fight for their own continued enslavement. The conquistadore is too busy enjoying the fruits of their ill gotten gains to do it themselves. Much of what laughingly passes as civilisation and society is composed of such instilled drivel, the rules based order.

    There are no rights, there are no man made laws, there is only the pointing of guns by programmed compliant people towards the heads of the people who will not obey. Same as it has always been.

    And look at the legions of judges, lawyers and judicial infrastructure that believe this garbage called ‘the law’ amounts to something real? Let alone ‘the people’.

    One example of hundreds.

    Many are clowns living in a clownworld still.

    VERY few are really waking up.


  11. Pingback: Shorting Evil, by Robert Gore | NC Renegades

  12. Another gem for the archives, Robert. In all my years of life experience (77) as a Peace Officer and a schoolteacher, I can opine with some authority about human nature. The sheeple, normies, and cucks of this corrupt, syphilitic-thinking country will not react until Amerika goes full Weimar. When their debt bucks are no good and they cannot have all of the bread and circuses, then they just might turn on the Leviathan.

    It absolutely staggers my mind when I see the amount of death and injuries which can be traced back to the COVID germ warfare vaxx. Yet, where is the outrage? Where are the mobs storming the Leviathan’s institutions or going full-on vigilante justice? Frederick Douglass once wrote: “Find out just what any people will quietly submit to, and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them.” That is where we are now. Unbelievable but true. So sad. – DWEEZIL THE WEASEL - 


  13. Just a very brief thank you, Robert.

    Appreciate your diligence, intelligence, focus and morality.

    I’m sure you’ll receive a rewarding future.




  14. This is very profound- I wish more people would learn and understand it.


  15. Pingback: Shorting Evil, by Robert Gore — Der Friedensstifter

  16. Because there has been no real (for the most part) tangible pushback against the “COVID germ warfare vaxx” as you mentioned, and with other such agendas is why many Americans are no longer vested in the country, and will no longer ‘fight’ for it perhaps in many capacities. At some point, people understand it is a non-entity in that it is already bounty to be distributed among the nations, more of a matter of when, not if. Think of how easy it will be to take over this country with a nation of people in such a static state (and it’s been this way for several decades). Z-La.


  17. If I had to list their very top priority – rather than just death of many, I’d say it’s to make people as miserable as possible. Killing many, totalitarianism, constant lies and pseudo-science, are all part of this goal. Maximizing unhappiness for all.


  18. Pingback: ‘The rapacity of evil knows no limits’ – Dispatches from the Asylum

  19. In my assessment, Mr. Gore falls down in just 1 place –
    “Trump has won two elections and is on his way to a third victory.”
    I believe the character was created and is filling the role perfectly. In the next (s)election he will be reinstalled with the purpose being to divide the Right and install the martial law fascism to fulfill the accusations of the Left to the letter in the next “crisis”.
    The confusion of the low information flag-waving Right during this time is the division needed that could not come from the fake Left without causing the uniting of the low information Right with those who truly understand and value the actual principles of freedom…

    We should each consider this possible reality if we are being honest with ourselves.
    *Elections are long dead in since the computer. Likely long before… Anyone going into a booth and touching a screen that thinks that really means anything is part of the problem…


  20. Here in Canada, the situation is going from bad to worse with the imposition of the carbon tax and a 66% tax on capital gains above $250k (supposedly for the rich).

    Farmers across the land are protesting, for what that is worth.

    The elite are the Ourobouos eating its own tail and one day (soon, I trust) they will find their mouths at their heads and will consume themselves.


  21. I had a dream, no seriously I had a dream of the world post world war 3. All continents were radioactive only billionaire-retread-island New Zealand was livable. The billionaires emerged from their bunkers to build their new world and each and everyone applied themselves according to their own particular talents.

    Bill Gates owned a great surface of New Zealand agricultural surface but was impotent to work it without machines. That’s why he entered in a uneasy agreement with Elon Musk. Elon was plowing Bill’s fields with his diesel tractors. Elon was always dirty of diesel and engine oils dirt under his fingernails that could never wash. Thou his tractors were putting plumes of dark smoke into the air he begrudgingly posted the Tesla insignia on his dirty tractors. Bill Gates’s teeth were worned out from so much grinding. He couldn’t stand depending on Elon.

    Mark Zuckerberg put his knowledge about cows to good use. He was a cow breeder. Everywhere he went he spread the alluring smell of dung and a swarms of flies weres following him. The pro of his new occupation was that he bulked up from all that shoveling of cow waste. From down to sunset was milking cows shoveling dung etc. He wasn’t anymore the frail lad the seemed a Madame Tussauds emancipated wax figure.

    All billionaires were doing menial works and were earning their food with the sweat of their brow.

    Only little Soros – Alexander Soros was all over the place trying to tell everybody how to do their business. That’s why he recurrently had a black eye and his shirt was torn. He was the ”animal farm” ideologist and demanded payment. Every chance they had whupped his ass.

    I liked the article above.


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