off the curve, by el gato malo

Do college students protest because they’re unpopular and can’t get a date? From el gato malo at

is protest culture collecting the lost children?

Behind the Curve (2018) - IMDb

there was a surprisingly charming little documentary called “behind the curve” about a group of flat earthers. it features mark sargent, the “king of flat earth” a sort of awkward guy who lives with him mom and provides the center for a far flung group of folks. it’s obviously the first time in his life he’s been the center of attention. it becomes identity for him.

the movie has unrequited love, quirky characters, and an oddly engaging plot.

it’s worth a watch.

what shines through most in this exploration of a culture is not the belief that globes are a lie, though many of the folks portrayed seem to think so, but rather that this is a sort of community of people who are a bit lost and seeking belonging. not everyone at the “flat earth” conventions they have even seems that into earths or flatness. some make wooden motorcycles or other crafts. they just like being there and if the price for being there is saying “the world is flat,” then so be it.

they all get together and hang out and bond and feel affinity. it’s a peer group, a social club for the somewhat socially maladroit.

in the end, the beliefs come to seem harmless, another arbitrary collection of arbitrary concern like rooting for a sports team.

it seemed to me that they were desperate for fellowship. the globe refutation was incidental.

and i suspect more things than many realize work like this.

does it provide community? does it provide friends and a sense of purpose?

these are important questions.

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2 responses to “off the curve, by el gato malo

  1. Gandalf Carlin

    Read one where there was a shift change of the guarding of the gates and they just walked off chatting about mindless things.

    The author said but, but, but, I thought you were so angry.

    Saw that police shut some of them down, especially UCLA.

    What a great take, look at the hotties in yoga pants and forget about all that burn it all down crap. (h/t-EGM)

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