Israel’s Defenders Talk So Much About Feelings Because They Can’t Talk About Facts, by Caitlin Johnstone

Who knew that those Israelis are such sensitive souls with such sensitive feelings. From Caitlin Johnstone at

Their position is so gross and indefensible that all they have left is babbling about some select people having upset feelings and holding those feelings as more important than stopping an active genocide.

The Guardian has an article out titled “Israelis voice sadness and defiance over Gaza protests on US campuses”, subtitled “People in Jerusalem express little sympathy with anti-war demonstrators, with some accusing them of hatred for Israel”.

It’s exactly what it sounds like: an entire news report about the feelings that some Israelis are feeling in their feely bits about protests in another country on the other side of the world. The Guardian’s Jason Burke asked some random people about their feelings outside a theater in Jerusalem, and then presented this weird nothing thing as relevant news reporting.

“We didn’t know so many people hated Israel,” some random security guard is quoted as saying.

“Such feelings appear widespread among the Jewish majority in Israel, seven months after war was triggered by surprise attacks launched by Hamas into the south of the country in which about 1,200 people, mostly civilians, were killed and 250 taken hostage,” writes Burke.

“Jewish Israelis interviewed by the Guardian this week blame outrage overseas on misinformation, ignorance, historical hostility from international institutions such as the UN, global ‘double standards’ and entrenched antisemitism,” Burke informs us.

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2 responses to “Israel’s Defenders Talk So Much About Feelings Because They Can’t Talk About Facts, by Caitlin Johnstone

  1. Sun von Rommel

    And you can’t issue arrest warrants ICC because of something that happened 80 years ago?

    The feelz are off the charts.

    Now why would they notice all the auntie semmytizm?

    Because of all the noticing? (wink)

    Some people might have mixed feelings about rewriting the Bible and banishing the first amendment?

    Being “chosen” means that you don’t care about their feelings.

    Breaking from Scarface:

    Now I Feel Ya (Instrumental)


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