Orange Goes Franco, by Eric Peters

There’s something about exercising power that’s deeply addictive, and only the wisest and most moral can withstand its temptations. That’s not Trump. From Eric Peters at

The Orange Man is seen by many as the man who will stop the spread of authoritarianism in the United States. But maybe he’s the man who’s going to legalize it.

Orange Man has promised that, if elected, he will confer immunity from prosecution upon the enforcers of authority; i.e., the police – thereby conferring upon them carte blanche to enforce their authority as much as they like (and irrespective of the law).

In this possible future, if you are accosted by a cop who has no legal right to accost you – a good example of this being the lawful video-recording of cops giving a wood shampoo to someone else who has affronted their authority – and you object to being accosted and quickly find yourself being given a wood shampoo – the cop who gave you the wood shampoo could not be prosecuted for abusing you.

Do you suppose this will result in cops self-policing? Restrain them from administering wood shampoos?

Orange Man no doubt knows you get more of that which you give license to. As for example the license given to thieves to steal – so long as they only steal so much.

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One response to “Orange Goes Franco, by Eric Peters

  1. An LP quality release from EP. (rimshot)

    Love those three moves ahead thinkers even if it is as Rommel said, no plan survives contact with the enemy.

    Hey blondie PD, arrest me, baby. (/s)

    Does Donny RedShield have it in ’em to make heli rides great again?

    Once you throw in with the banksters, your soul is in a briefcase.

    Does he really love him some America?

    You can’t be connected at the hip to the nose and say that.

    Please no Jarvanka if it is going to be full Donfather and let’s make this Mofo great again for real.

    Breaking from Action Bronson:

    Beautiful Music (Instrumental)


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