The Nation’s Conscience, by Chris Hedges

There has been plenty written about the campus protestors for the Palestinians, much of it derogatory. Here’s an article that gives voice to some of them. From Chris Hedges at

The courageous stance of students across the country in defiance of genocide is accompanied by a near total blackout of their voices. Their words are the ones we most need to hear.

Strangelove 2024 — by Mr. Fish

NEW YORK CITY: I am sitting on a fire escape across the street from Columbia University with three organizers of the Columbia University Gaza protest. It is night. New York City Police, stationed inside and outside the gates of the campus, have placed the campus on lockdown. There are barricades blocking streets. No one, unless they live in a residence hall on campus, is allowed to enter. The siege means that students cannot go to class. Students cannot go to the library. Students cannot enter the labs. Students cannot visit the university health services. Students cannot get to studios to practice. Students cannot attend lectures. Students cannot walk across the campus lawns. The university, as during the Covid pandemic, has retreated into the world of screens where students are isolated in their rooms.

The university buildings are largely vacant. The campus pathways deserted. Columbia is a Potemkin university, a playground for corporate administrators. The president of the university — a British-Egyptian baroness who built her career at institutions such as the Bank of England, World Bank and International Monetary Fund — called in police in riot gear, with guns drawn, to clear the school’s encampment, forcibly evict students who occupied a campus hall and beat and arrest over 100 of them. They were arrested for “criminal trespassing” on their own campus.

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One response to “The Nation’s Conscience, by Chris Hedges

  1. Gandalf Carlin

    Now if the rest of society would just walk away or throw spanners in the gears, then we might have something.

    Then again they did (s)elect an immaculate Chicago jesus messiah straight out of Cretins In Action labs.

    Two thumbs up to all who are not posing or just trying to get some leg/tail action on campus and more rap and other cultural songs about it, please.


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