societal trespass: the demon in the design, by el gato malo

Are you more likely to tolerate something if it’s your voluntary decision to do so, or if you’re told you have to do so . . . or else? From el gato malo at

how non-consensual imposition turns tolerance into culture war

the difference between visitation and trespassing is consent.

the difference between commerce and theft is consent.

the difference between sex and rape is consent.

i suspect you’d struggle to find much of anyone who would disagree that such ideas are both self-evident and axiomatic to civilizational and societal foundations.

and so perhaps it’s not so surprising that when large parts of society and identity become coercive that a great many people start to become uneasy and ultimately angry because “will you treat me in this manner that i would like to be treated?” and “may i treat you in this manner that i would like to treat you?” are very different situations than “you must treat me in this manner that i demand” or “you must allow me to encroach upon your space and agency as i mandate.”

the same objective acts take on new character because they cross the line from voluntary into non-consensual and coercive.

take this too far and societal trespassing, theft, and rape become the order of the day and even if the actual underlying actions in and of themselves are similar to actions taken before, they no longer feel the same and “simply taking an item off a shelf” carries different connotation depending upon the permission (or lack thereof) of the shopkeeper.

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One response to “societal trespass: the demon in the design, by el gato malo

  1. Gandalf Carlin

    Property is theft comrade, get in the pod and enjoy some bug chitin stew so that we can enjoy more.

    Yes we can.

    You signed up for this suiciety thing by birth, no shirking against the hive, we’re all in this together.

    O/T-CCP says selling weapons to Taiwan, intellectual powerhouse Jake Sullivan is on it!

    Bwahaha! He walks off and KJP is so cute, you have to give her that.

    Paging Brandon Laskow for glorious victories.


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