daszak’s embarrassments of riches, by el gato malo

Is anything approaching justice ever going to catch up to these crooks? From el gato malo at boriquagato.substack.com:

you think you’ve seen the bottom of the barrel on just how low these agencies and agents can go. you think that perhaps you’ve finally managed to despise them sufficiently.

sorry, i hate to ruin it for all y’all, but

the time was august 2020. a rotten time. a time of lockdowns and raging pandemic panic porn masquerading as public health. a time of grievous gaslighting and ostentatious attacks on anyone who dared question “the science” or the idea that the covid 19 virus came from the lab in china that was working on, um, viruses just like that one and whose scientists had been bragging about it for years.

a time when ecohealth, the peter daszak agency embroiled at ground zero of gain of function junction was getting a fresh $7.5 million grant from NIH.


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