People Have Woken up, by James Howard Kunster

Even most stupid people wise up after they’ve been repeatedly conned. From James Howard Kunstler at

The miasma of anxiety befogging so many brains in our troubled land begins to lift as every narrative served up by the US fascist intel blob goes annoyingly stale and impotent.

The worst media meme — that a vicious officialdom is “defending our democracy” — gets laughed out of the room now when repeated incessantly by such regime shills as Jen Psaki and Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC.

Everybody understands they want to “defend our democracy” by canceling your freedom of speech, suing you into bankruptcy, and stealing whatever remains of your stuff.

It’s become so obvious by now that you’d have to be blind or a member of the mainstream media not to see it. Maybe both. Classical liberals like Alan Dershowitz — hardly a Trump fan — see it. That’s because they’re honest.

People No Longer Buy the Lies

Likewise, everything else, namely: that our doings in Ukraine are a “fight for freedom,” that “white supremacy” lurks just out of sight getting ready to pounce on the “marginalized” (who are actually running things, and doing it very badly), that “Joe Biden” turned around the economy, that “voting rights” equals non-citizens getting to vote, that election fraud is a “big lie” (and that the J-6 riot over it was an “insurrection”), and that the Covid vaccines were “safe and effective.”

None of these dishonest persuasions work anymore, and all of the persuasion machinery stands in plain sight like so many nauseating carnival rides. One by one, the rides are flying apart, scattering debris and body parts of the poor slobs who were on the rides all over the fairgrounds.

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One response to “People Have Woken up, by James Howard Kunster

  1. Trump’s Kangaroo court and the Judge that should be disbarred reviewed very well by an old pro.
    “Today there is no check on partisan reporting of trials and exaggerations and personal opinions are rampant. The American public is the loser.”

    Liked by 1 person

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