Did The Dulles Brothers Seal Our Fate? By Paul Craig Roberts

The national security state that we’ve come to know and hate got its start in the Dulles brothers heyday. From Paul Craig Roberts at paulcraigroberts:

The “Soviet Threat” which became Washington’s foreign policy mindset was a self-serving creation of Allen and Foster Dulles. The consequences of their creation and its recreation by the US neoconservatives await us unaddressed.

Some years ago I reviewed Stephen Kinzer’s book, The Brothers, an extraordinary account of two men long serving at the top of the US government, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and CIA Director Allen Dulles. Both were appointed to office by President Eisenhower. Allen Dulles was the Director of the CIA, and John Foster Dulles was the Secretary of State. The interests of the two men’s law firm became in effect the agenda of the government of the United States.

Both men used their power in service of their powerful law firm, Sullivan & Cromwell. Both are examples of the privatization of government to serve private interests. Foreign government that got in the way of their firm’s clients’ interests, they plotted to overthrow.

To justify their use of the US government in service to the clients of their law firm, the brothers invented the “communist threat of world subversion” and inaugurated the Cold War. The brothers came up with six monsters to destroy.

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One response to “Did The Dulles Brothers Seal Our Fate? By Paul Craig Roberts

  1. Sun von Rommel

    State Department = commie since at least FDR.

    FDR’s quote about there is nothing wrong with a communist as some are my best friends is about Morgenthau and Harry Dexter White.

    The OSS and SS Criminals In Action black shirts state is shit.

    The people want freedom after all?


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