Overthrow the Dictatorship, TL Davis

We already have a dictatorship, or a dictatorial cabal. There would be a massive outcry if Trump tries to do some of the things Biden does without comment. From TL Davis at tldavis.substack.com:

The left is worried that Trump might be a dictator if he is re-elected, saying that it might be the end of free elections, free speech, freedom of thought. As totally un-self aware as they are they don’t see that the United States is already a dictatorship. That all of those things they fear to lose have already been lost to the right. Biden was supposed to re-introduce the “remain in Mexico” policies of the Trump Administration. The Supreme Court ruled on it and he ignored it. He has not proposed legislation that I’m aware of, instead he signs more Executive Orders than any other president, perhaps more than all other presidents combined. He is simultaneously on the side of Israel and Hamas in a war in Gaza, changing from one to the other based on polling data. He has used the treasury to pay for “get out the vote” activities, which is just one of the many illegal actions Biden has taken. Using the DOJ as a personal hit squad for his political enemies is another. The FBI raid at Mar-A-Lago over documents, was fully authorized to use deadly force, to retrieve papers, something that was orchestrated between the official archives and the Biden White House. The Justice Department has achieved unprecedented surveillance of American citizens and Mike Johnson insured that it would take place. This is a wet-dream of the Soviet-era Russians. The DOJ is nothing other than a modern-day Gestapo and everyone in the country knows it and yet, the liberal media pounds everyday on what a threat to democracy and the rule of law Trump would be, looking past the dictator already in the White House.

Yes, I know it’s all politics, that their blindness is not accidental or temporary. They are communists and this is how they want the nation to be, dictated by the communists and anything other than their narrative is a threat to national security, because the nation they want to protect is communist. They don’t give a whiff about democracy, or they would be up in arms at the very suggestion of rigging the vote, a democracy is wholly dependent on the vote and any fiddling around with it is a threat to democracy. The only democracy they want is where they can rig the vote to vote in communism, because they know there’s no voting oneself out of communist dictatorships. They know that the only way to secure a communist country is by the muzzle of a state-owned rifle, so they want all of the rifles out of the hands of their enemy, the freedom-loving people of America.

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