Asymmetric Idiocy, by C.J. Hopkins

The object of terrorism is to provoke a disproportionate reaction, as Hamas has done in Gaza. From C.J. Hopkins at

I miss the 1970s sometimes. Not just the music. And the sex. And the drugs. I miss the terrorists. The old-school terrorists. Or, OK, maybe not the terrorists, but the revolutionaries who cheered on the terrorists.

I miss the clarity, and the honesty, of that era.

Maybe you’re too young to remember, but, back in the day, you didn’t get all this hemming and hawing about murdering civilians. The terrorists, and the revolutionaries who supported them, were not ashamed of murdering civilians. The Revolution demanded that they murder civilians. Murdering civilians was one of the fundamental strategies of the Revolution.

The way this strategy works is simple. What you do is, you murder a bunch of civilians, in order to provoke your adversary into massively over-retaliating against you and committing all kinds of war crimes and atrocities, like the USA did in Iraq twenty years ago, like the IDF is now doing in Gaza. The goal of the strategy is to broaden the conflict, and draw your potential allies into it, or at least significantly weaken support for your enemy.

OK, sure, that means you have to murder some people … men, women, children, whole families, and then your enemy is going to go apeshit and kill tens or even hundreds of thousands of your people, but, if all goes to plan, your “allies” will join you, and attack your enemy, and drive him into the sea, or off the face of the earth, or wherever. So, in the end, all the murdering will have been totally worth it.

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One response to “Asymmetric Idiocy, by C.J. Hopkins

  1. Sun von Rommel

    Strategy is a construct of the white male patriarchy.

    We have manifest destiny, the first mammals to wear pants and arbeit macht fweedom fwies.

    You’re with us or a with the terraists!

    After all this is The War Against Terrorism. (TWAT)

    Update-Rebranded for deplorable kulak untermenschen scum shirkers against the New Civility hive.


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