Of Men and Myths, James Howard Kunstler

Hillary, Big Mike, or Gruesome? Those are the three main contenders to take up the mantle if Biden can’t make it to election day. Quite a selection. From James Howard Kunstler at kunstler.com:

“Donald Trump doesn’t trust women. I do. ” — “Joe Biden” on “X”

There comes a time when the rigors and exertions of being insane just aren’t worth it anymore. You end up in a deadly Pareto distribution in which 80 percent of your energy gets wasted on hallucinating and the rest is barely enough to get yourself dressed, comb your purple hair, and choke down a granola bar.

      Verging on a long, hot summer, the party behind “Joe Biden” looks like a 1950s horror movie, complete with lurching ghouls, evil scientists in white lab coats, and the sore beset denizens of Anytown USA screaming down the streets. Only it’s the actual life of our nation now, and it looks like an awful lot of the people who live here lawfully have had enough of it.

     The mysterious cabal in power knows that they must ditch the old stumblebum pretending to run for president, and time is running out to get the dastardly deed done. They are staring down a month of dread days that lead to the proposed great debate between the major party candidates, which is doomed to play like a combo of the classic horror movie endings — the unmasking of the phantom with a wooden stake driven through his heart, with Donald Trump cast as Prof Van Helsing. Can our resourceful intel blob instead maybe find a way before that to make it look like the “president” passed away peacefully in his slumber? Or perhaps it would suffice to just leak the voice recording of his interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur and allow people to compare what’s in it with the already-released printed transcript.

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One response to “Of Men and Myths, James Howard Kunstler

  1. Hair gel Pelosi or Big Mike?

    Who will own the Planet Of the Apes scene with the statue in the ocean where at last all are finally equal?

    The CPUSA (D) did let the bench get too low after immaculating Chicago Jesus.

    Good, good.

    May a 1968 pox be upon their Long March house.


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