Patrick Lawrence: Scott Ritter Silenced by Liberal Authoritarians

Scott Ritter has been one of the most prominent critics of the U.S.’s military and foreign policy narrative. He’s also been spot on so far with his analyses of the Ukraine-Russia war. From Patrick Lawrence at

Scott Ritter speaks at SUNY New Paltz (Wikimedia Commons)

It is not difficult to be astonished these days, given how many things going on around us warrant astonishment. To pull something out of a hat at random, the Democratic apparatus has openly, brazenly politicized the judicial system—weaponized it, if you prefer—in its determination to destroy Donald Trump and now has the temerity to warn in the gravest terms that a second Trump term would mean… the politicization of American justice. 

Again at random, in The Washington Post’s June 7 editions George Will tells us President Biden “has provided the most progressive governance in U.S. history.” Yes, he wrote that. Give in to your astonishment.  

It is interesting in this case to note that, during the reign of Ronald Reagan 40 years ago, our George thought big government was bad, bad, bad. Now it is a fine thing that Biden is “minimizing the market’s role by maximizing the government’s role in allocating society’s resources and opportunities.” Apart from turning his own argument hourglass upside-down, this assessment of our swiftly declining president is preposterously, right-before-your-eyes false.

You cannot tell the AC’s from the DC’s these days. But this is not the half of it in the way of astonishing events, things done, things said and such like. 

Last week, as many readers will have noticed, Scott Ritter, the former weapons inspector and now a widely followed commentator, was about to board a plane bound for Turkey when armed police officers stopped him, confiscated his passport and escorted him out of Kennedy International Airport. Ritter was booked to transit through Istanbul for St. Petersburg, where he planned to attend the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, an annual gathering.

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2 responses to “Patrick Lawrence: Scott Ritter Silenced by Liberal Authoritarians

  1. Pingback: Патрик Лоуренс: Либеральные авторитаристы заставили замолчать Скотта Риттера — Der Friedensstifter

  2. Colonel Kilgore Trout

    One time the republican wing of the UNI would be wise to follow Napoleon’s advice is now.

    Let the CPUSA (D) branch own it all.

    Really stocked up for the big show as Skinny Pop is on sale for $2.00, the big sharing bag! (s/)

    I have the right to be entertained in this burning it all down. (rimshot)

    Maybe the globalists want to get rid of all political parties and not just nation states?

    A 1984 V For Vendetta hybrid with some strongman on the balcony making great faces?

    Breaking from Brad Fiedel:

    The Terminator Theme (1984)


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