Acting As If It Weren’t Really So, by Edward Curtin

Very few people are paying attention to the biggest threat to ever confront humanity. From Edward Curtin at

Laughing on the bus/Playing Games with the faces/She said the man in the gabardine suit was a spy/I said, “Be careful his bowtie is really a camera”
– America by Paul Simon

Only people who listen to the chorus of reliable alternative media voices warning of the quickly growing threat of nuclear war have any sense of the nightmare that is approaching.  Even for them, however, and surely for most others, unreality reigns.  Reality has a tough time countering illusions.  For we are cataleptically slow-walking to WW III.  If it is very hard or impossible to imagine our own deaths, how much harder is it to imagine the deaths of hundreds of millions of others or more.

In 1915, amid the insane slaughter of tens of millions during WW I that was a shocking embarrassment to the meliorist fantasy of the long-standing public consciousness, Freud wrote:

It is indeed impossible to imagine our own death, and whenever we attempt to do so, we can perceive that we are in fact still present as spectators. Hence the psychoanalytic school could venture on the assertion that, at bottom, no one believes in his own death, or to put the same thing another way, that, in the unconscious, every one of us is convinced of his own immortality.

The growing lunacy of the Biden administration’s provocations against Russia via Ukraine seem lost on so many.  The long-running and deep-seated demonization of Russia and its President Vladimir Putin by U.S. propagandists has sunk so deep into the Western mind that facts can’t descend that deep to counteract it. It is one of the greatest triumphs of U.S. government propaganda.

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One response to “Acting As If It Weren’t Really So, by Edward Curtin

  1. Manboons outsmarts himself and comrade Oppenheimer did say that he had become death.

    No bread and circuses or muh convenience will be interrupted…at least until there is no supplies and the power goes out.

    And when the power goes out, sorry about electro gadgets and telescreens gone.

    Don’t get demoralized you can always update real world social media via carrier pigeon, smoke signal, hand written note, in cursive! (s/)

    The WAR of ALL against ALL is going to be a real MOFO but at least everyone will finally be equal.

    Yes we can, si se puede!

    Breaking from Paul Simon:

    Slip Slidin’ Away


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