Odds Are High You’re Going To Need Your Survival Supplies In The Next Few Years, by Brandon Smith

It’s better to have stocked up and not need your provisions than to not stock up and need them. From Brandon Smith at alt-market.us:

In 2020 at the onset of the covid pandemic scare and right before the lockdowns I’ll never forget going on a grocery run on a Friday afternoon only to find near empty roads and near empty stores. The few other people shopping had a glassy stare in their eyes, like they were dazed or shell-shocked. For me and those I know that prep, it was just another day; for those that hadn’t prepped it was a nightmare of uncertainty.

In Montana we didn’t pay much heed to the lockdowns after the first month.  In three months everything was basically back to normal except for the mask mandates which most people ignored. With more data available on the virus it was clear that the chance of death was greatly exaggerated. What scared us far more was the pervasive talk of vaccine passports in 2021. The proposed state and federal restrictions on people that refused to take the jab were familiar – This was the beginning of full blown tyranny unless we stood firm.

In the meantime there was a public rush to buy up as many necessities as they could afford. And of course, the covid stimulus measures helped to trigger a stagflationary crisis that had already been building in the US for many years.

In the face of so many potential threats preppers were still well protected. If vaccine passports became the norm and access to public places was blocked then we had food storage to get us through for a long time to come. If the buying panic and inflation led to a supply chain disaster then we were ready, along with the guns and ammo and training needed to keep what we had. If a fight was coming then we had the means to defend ourselves.

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2 responses to “Odds Are High You’re Going To Need Your Survival Supplies In The Next Few Years, by Brandon Smith

  1. Neo is the One

    Bro’s sibling was working at healthcare at the time and said to panicked elders…it has a 99% survival rate after some oldsters were in tears thanks to Bolshevik enemedia slime.

    She got out after the “no inoculation no occupation” to a different sector, coding.

    You don’t hate them enough is right on regarding enemedia slime, and H/T to the Originator.

    Better to have it and not need it, another good altruism.

    Food and groceries are the best besides H20 and if the unthinking hive falls for bird flu, you’ll know why once more.

    Love those memes from the COV-LARP of dope dealer looking guy opening up his coat with rolls of toilet paper and other essentials!

    Breaking from Dilated Peoples:

    Worst Comes To Worst (Instrumental)


  2. this guy is basically wrong-headed. all the while he was barking about globalists and one-world government. just look at the conflict in Ukraine, where does the one-world government fit in? it is best he shuts up!


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