Trump Versus Biden: The Obliteration of a Demented Puppet, by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Trump won. It’s a reasonable supposition that Biden was set up to fail, allowing the democrats to get rid of him. From 2nd Smartest Guy in the World at

It is difficult to write about last night’s presidential debate given that what transpired was tragically depressing, and ultimately reinforced the disastrous state America now finds itself in.

The end of empire is now a descent into the empire of lies as mumbled by a lifelong grifter and diaper soiling ice cream licking pedo criminal puppet hopped up on a cocktail of dementia meds and methamphetamines.

CIA News Network (CNN) hosted a presidential debate that can only be described as an unmitigated disaster for their “candidate.” “Biden” shuffled out onto the stage with a glitching thousand-yard stare, his slits for eyes were all completely dilated pupils, his speech patterns modulating from incoherent dementia drivel to a poor recall of lies disguised as facts and data.

Last night was a bonafide shit show. Joe Biden is finished. The Democratic party was further exposed as the deranged NeoMarxist syndicate operating within the Uniparty Kabuki theater politrix show.

All Trump had to do was show up without dementia, stick to the basic facts and let “Biden” defeat himself. And that is exactly what happened.

Perhaps the single most incisive understatement by a clearly annoyed Trump was when he plainly remarked about his opponent, “the whole world is blowing up under him.” You could say that again, and again.

Trump seemed more annoyed and upset than anything else, and kept correctly hammering home the point that America is in grave trouble under the “Biden” administration. He defended himself perfectly against both the bogus January 6th and Stormy Daniels accusations that the CNN apparatchiks were attempting to embarrass him with. He deftly flipped the very political prosecution of himself and the “convicted criminal” ad hominem that “Biden” feebly invoked onto his malfunctioning opponent and ne’er-do-well crackhead son, reminding the viewers that the reason he is Teflon Don is precisely because his enemies are the ones projecting their guilt and crimes onto him in plain sight.

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One response to “Trump Versus Biden: The Obliteration of a Demented Puppet, by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

  1. Watching Andrei Martyanov break it down and he started out laughing, busted out an HL Mencken quote, the greatest besides D Sutherland as Mr. X, and calls it a national humiliation!

    Now on Zelensky saying he can’t negotiate due to muh constitootion (H/T-Savage) of 404, as he hangs around after his term is done.

    Kick the comrades when they are down as they would kick you in the gulag for years.

    (H/T-HLM & AM)


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