NY Times Editorial Board Urges Biden To Quit Race – Did Trump Administer Premature Kill Shot? By Tyler Durden

The NYT may be administering political euthanasia, and the Trump camp should be careful what it wishes for. From Tyler Durden at zerohedge.com:

Thursday night’s presidential debate mortally wounded President Biden’s political career, and now the New York Times has hammered a significant nail in the coffin — publishing an editorial bluntly declaring that “the greatest public service Mr. Biden can now perform is to announce that he will not continue to run for re-election.” 

With this development, Biden’s departure from November ballots is taking on an air of inevitability. At the same time, Team Trump is reckoning with what may have been a strategic error —  enabling a premature kill shot that could leave Trump facing a worse matchup.

Repeatedly emphasizing President Trump’s supposed “enormous…danger” to the country, the Times editorial board wrote that Biden is “engaged in a reckless gamble” with America’s future, saying “it’s too big a bet to simply hope Americans will overlook or discount Mr. Biden’s age and infirmity that they see with their own eyes.” 

You don’t have to respect the Times to appreciate the enormity of a cornerstone liberal media institution declaring an incumbent Democratic president mentally incapable of running for re-election. This move by a “newspaper of record” will embolden other leftist entities and elected officials  to do the same, and the momentum is likely to only grow stronger as the snowball effect gathers force. 

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One response to “NY Times Editorial Board Urges Biden To Quit Race – Did Trump Administer Premature Kill Shot? By Tyler Durden

  1. Neo is the One

    The CCCP times? State Department since 1933?

    The slimes squad has visions of “historic” Big Mike and endless gushing editorials?

    Stuck back in Year Zero reign.

    O/T-Speaking of NY state, watching the Great Hunter S. Thompson shoot guns and drink hard liquor with Conan O’ Brien and then a part two studio interview.

    An outdoor bar with guns in upper NY State and he is shooting his own books with an M-60!

    Conan set the teddy bear on fire with some good shooting.

    He called Johnny Depp weird! (rimshot)

    They don’t make them like that anymore.

    He would be carted off by some “authoritarian” for this interview now shooting guns and drinking…in the Kingdom Of Fear.


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