SCOTUS Overturns ‘Chevron Deference’ In Massive Blow To ‘Administrative State’, by Tyler Durden

It’s been a long time coming, but the Supreme Court is finally starting to trim the power of the fourth branch of government, the one never envisioned by the framers of the Constitution—the administrative state, aka the federal bureaucracy. From Tyler Durden at

The Supreme Court has ruled to overturn the so-called ‘Chevron Deference’ dealing a huge blow to the so-called ‘administrative state’ that have enjoyed

In an 6-3 decision along ideological lines, the Supreme Court’s conservative majority upended the 40-year administrative law precedent that gave agencies across the federal government leeway to interpret ambiguous laws through rulemaking.

Conservatives and Republican policymakers have long been critical of the doctrine, saying it has contributed to the dramatic growth of government and gives unelected regulators far too much power to make policy by going beyond what Congress intended when it approved various laws. The authority of regulatory agencies has been increasingly questioned by the Supreme Court in recent years.

Those on the other side say the Chevron doctrine empowers an activist federal government to serve the public interest in an increasingly complicated world without having to seek specific congressional authorization for everything that needs to be done.

As The Hill report, judges previously had to defer to agencies in cases where the law is ambiguous.

Now, judges will substitute their own best interpretation of the law, instead of deferring to the agencies – effectively making it easier to overturn regulations that govern wide-ranging aspects of American life.

This includes rules governing toxic chemicals, drugs and medicine, climate change, artificial intelligence, cryptocurrency and more.

The move hands a major victory to conservative and anti-regulatory interests that have looked to eliminate the precedent as part of a broader attack on the growing size of the “administrative state.”

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One response to “SCOTUS Overturns ‘Chevron Deference’ In Massive Blow To ‘Administrative State’, by Tyler Durden

  1. May it head the bird flu LARP overreach off at the pass?

    Putinesque chess moves to paint them into the false flag corner?

    Looking out for their own hides?

    Good, good.

    The Penguin is my bud and I keep reading glasses on hand in case he gets stuck in a library after muh Doomsday! (s/ and HT-Burgess M)

    O/T-Just fed Rockette and Lil’ Shavers some primo organic chicken breasts, yes I can!

    Breaking from Lean Sippaz:

    My Mind Went Blank (Instrumental)


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