You Keep Using the Term ‘Authoritarian’, by Jeffrey A. Tucker

Government bureaucracies are inherently authoritarian. From Jeffrey A. Tucker at

You know the term “authoritarian.” You think you know what it means. 

An authoritarian dad, boss, or government says: my way or the highway. They are forever barking orders and see compliance as the answer to all human problems. There is no room for uncertainty, adaptation to time and place, or negotiation. It’s ruling by personal dictate while tolerating no dissent. 

To be authoritarian is to be inhumane, to rule with arbitrary and capricious imposition. It can also mean to be ruled impersonally by a machine regardless of the cost.

Sounds like a conventional government bureaucracy, right? Indeed. Think of the Department of Motor Vehicles. Think of the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy which are right now issuing edicts that will end in the ability of your washing machine to clean your clothes and your car to go the distance. 

They have been doing this to us for many decades, with or without the permission of Congress or the president. The agencies have become literally out of control in the sense that no one can control them. 

Any society managed by a large and intrusive bureaucratic machinery is necessarily authoritarian. A government that is not authoritarian is necessarily limited in size, scope, and range of power. 

Let’s say you have a political leader who has routinely called for less in the way of authoritarian rule by bureaucracies. He intends to use whatever power he has to curb the autonomous rule by administrative bureaucracies and subject them more to the wishes of the people, who should ideally be in charge of the regime under which they live. 

Such a leader would not be called an authoritarian. He would be called the opposite, an emancipator who is trying to dismantle authoritarian structures. 

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2 responses to “You Keep Using the Term ‘Authoritarian’, by Jeffrey A. Tucker

  1. Sun von Rommel

    Totalitarian, hopefully not, but it could happen if they aren’t put back in their lane (s)?

    The bread and circuses will lose some of their luster and then the noticing of apparatchik overreach?

    Weimar Wheelbarrow times might turn people against mediocrities barking orders like they are a general and we are members of the Army.

    Breaking from Terri Wells:

    I’ll Be Around (Instrumental)

    [H/T-The Spinners]


  2. You cannot bring under control something that only exists to exercise dominion over others. The only solution is to eliminate it. Do not seek to control cancer, eliminate it. Attempts to prune it or redirect it allows it to exist and return with a fervor that cannot be resisted.



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