Can’t Wait For That Next Election, by Robert Gore

The Republicans are closing ranks. If establishment Republicans have their way, Jeb Bush is going to be the 2016 nominee. The establishment’s official publication, The Wall Street Journal, all but announced it today with a front page article “Bush’s Ties to Donors Put Rivals in a Bind.” The prodigious Bush fundraising machine, established by George H.W. and expanded and honed by George W., is cranking up for Jeb, to the dismay of potential contenders, especially Marco Rubio, who had hoped to work the Florida territory that former governor Bush already owns.

Like his father and brother, Jeb is “safe.” He will mumble something about reducing the size, scope, and power of the federal government, but other than a few possible cuts that will hurt Democratic constituencies, the blob will keep growing. Jeb is not going to challenge the welfare state, and he will actively support the warfare/intelligence state. He will promise bigger defense budgets, more foreign interventions, and more domestic surveillance. Count on him to keep those commitments if elected. His support of common core and immigration reform will rub some Republicans and Republican-leaning tea partiers the wrong way, but the establishment figures they can go vote for Rand Paul in the primaries; they’ll come back to Jeb in the general election if the alternative is Hillary.

They may be right, and Jeb might win. Other than which campaign contributors get paid off, there would be very little difference between the potential presidencies of Jeb and Hillary. Commentators and opinion organs masquerading as news outlets will champion their guy or gal, and hyperventilate about perceived sins of the other side’s gal or guy, but when you get right down to actual policies, there has been little difference between Republicans and Democrats for many years; they are both the parties of government. It gets bigger, spends more, piles new programs on top of failed old ones, sticks its nose anywhere on the planet it sees fit, makes more promises, and goes deeper in debt. None of that is going to change—Jeb or Hillary—and the permanent Washington oligarchy and its dependents are fine with either one.

For those of us who long ago turned away from mainstream politics in disgust, this is profoundly depressing. History’s great experiment in self-governance, the United States’ republic, has been swallowed by the blob. It is ostensibly run by elected officials who have no exceptional qualities of any kind, who are almost comically platitudinous and banal, but who know how to press the right voter and donor buttons to amass the funding and votes necessary to carry a plurality of those who bother to vote. The mathematics of compounding interest on ever-expanding debt guarantee that things won’t continue on their present course. However, maybe they don’t come to a dramatic end, maybe it’s more like a slow leak until one day the tire has gone flat. The prospect of a Jeb-Hillary election should put the body politic in the same frame of mind as a restless teenager, ready to do something rash, dangerous, and destructive, just to relieve the tedium. That, unfortunately, is giving the body politic far too much credit.


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8 responses to “Can’t Wait For That Next Election, by Robert Gore

  1. Pingback: SLL: Can’t Wait For That Next Election | Western Rifle Shooters Association

  2. Robert,
    Your points are well taken considering the most recent past elections. However, I for one am sick of going into a voting booth, holding my nose, and checking the box with the (R) next to the name.
    I propose that if Jeb does become the darling of the Republican ticket and held up for the rest to follow blindly, DO NOT VOTE FOR THE BASTARD!!!


  3. Continued:
    Instead write in a known conservative candidate and vote for that individual starting with the primaries in every state. A good possible example or two might be writing in Allen West, Col. U.S.A. (Ret.) and former Florida House of Representative. Another possibility would be Trey Goudy of South Carolina. A former prosecuting attorney that takes no prisoners and pulls no punches. Does not “do” political correct!
    Otherwise if those of us just sit it out due to Jeb being on the ticket then we will get Hillary and Bill. If that happens we all had better be inside their OODA loop in order to counter and destroy them. IF Hillary gets elected then the games begin a whole lot sooner so just bring it on and let’s get it over with if that is the case!


  4. I’ll have no problem not voting for Jeb Bush.


  5. Hillary, Jeb, what difference at thast point does it make, to paraphrase one of them. As the article says, the difference is who their clients are, not who they are going to rob and abuse to serve those clients.

    Vote for a conservative in the primary. Vote third party in the general if the conservative doesn’t make it that far. Do it for the presidency and do it for your senator and “representative”. Running away from the Republican plantation is the only way conservatives can get representation.

    Retire a Republican incumbent!


  6. Pingback: The Fix Is In, by Robert Gore | STRAIGHT LINE LOGIC

  7. Pingback: The Fix Is In….. ~  “…The establishment is hindered by its open condescension towards grassroots voters and the widespread belief among them that the establishment is full of shit, which happens to be true….” | BLOGGING BAD:

  8. Pingback: Thank You, Mr. Trump, Part 1 « Financial Survival Network

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