Controlled Instability, by Robert Gore

Would-be rulers embrace a moronic oxymoron.

The Houthis stymie 12 percent of the world’s shipping. Israel has bitten off more than it can chew and is desperately trying to maneuver the U.S. into a broader Middle Eastern engagement and years of pointless war. In Europe, farmers and truckers are protesting and blocking roads over climate change measures and other grievances. In the U.S., a governor ignores a Supreme Court decision and receives support from 25 fellow governors.

At the recently concluded confab at Davos, the world’s would-be rulers conferred on how they would rule the world. How quaint. They’re going to rule a world that’s spinning out of their, or anybody else’s, control. A Russian politician, Konstantin Dolgov, coined a phrase for the oxymoronic pipe dream that prevails in Washington, Davos, Brussels, and Tel Aviv: “The Americans need controlled instability to realize their own plans.” Dolgov noted: “But this instability has long been out of Washington’s control.”

Controlled instability is a futile hope from a bygone age. The instability that manifests daily is anything but controlled. Texas Governor Greg Abbott and his fellow governors’ defiance marks an emerging phase: instability and conflict among actors within the political system. It may be posturing, but it still amounts to a middle finger from the governors to the federal government and its once revered Supreme Court.


The Supreme Court has been rubber-stamping expansion of the federal government’s power since the Constitution was ratified. The most egregious recent examples were National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius (2012) and King v. Burwell (2015), the decisions that upheld Obamacare. Nobody protested against the program that hastened the destruction of American health care. Nine years after Burwell, anti-government rage is kindling fires in the U.S. and all over the world. Control is losing; instability is winning, and the game is still in the early innings.

The control freaks cling to their empire and wars. Empire is untenable, but the U.S. military is being deployed into another Middle Eastern quagmire. The Middle East is particularly unsuited for U.S. imperial ventures. The sum total of Western knowledge of the region is a nanoparticle compared to the Everest of its ignorance.

The Middle East is tribal; the concept of a nation with a national government is a foreign import. Tribal rivalries date back to Old Testament times and have always undermined the best laid plans of emperors, kings, sultans, sheiks, satraps, and other poobahs. The Islamic religion has been the one quasi-unifying force, but it is split and both the Sunni and Shia denominations are splintered into various sects.

The secret Sykes-Picot treaty of 1916 between Britain and France, with assent from the Russian Empire and the Kingdom of Italy, drew lines on the map of the Ottoman Empire (allied with the losers in World War I), specified European spheres of influence, and created so-called nations to be dominated by the European victors.

It was hubristic folly, matched by the Balfour Declaration one year later. In a letter from British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lord Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish Community, the British government declared its endorsement of a “national home for the Jewish people” in what would become, in 1922, the British Mandate for Palestine and Transjordan. At that time, Jews were only a single-digit percentage of Palestine’s population.

Outsiders, especially those bent on domination, have never fared particularly well in the Middle East. It’s tough enough for insiders bent on domination. Outsiders can generally find compliant satraps whose ostensible loyalty is secured through bribery and extortion, but the average Mohammad deeply resents his overlords and resists them in his own way. No wonder then, that Sykes-Picot and the Balfour Declaration proved to be recipes for disaster.

The U.S. threw it and the UN’s weight behind the Zionist project in 1948, when Palestine became Israel and Jews began displacing Palestinian Arabs, an ongoing process that has accelerated since the October 7 Hamas massacre. Pre-October 7 controlled instability in Gaza has given way to all-out war, ostensibly against Hamas insurgents, but the death toll among Palestinian civilians is approaching 30,000.

The U.S. has long considered Israel its forward base in the Middle East. That imperial projection is now under attack on multiple fronts. Anyone who claims to know how the Houthis, Hezbollah, Hamas, and various other insurgent groups in Iraq and Syria—collectively known as the Axis of Resistance—are structured, coordinate with each other, or interact with Iran is lying. However, they are making war on the U.S.-Israel alliance, gradually ratcheting up the pressure, and last week the U.S. lost its first three soldiers since October 7.

The alliance will lose because it can’t win. The only way an outside power can “win” in the Middle East is to stay out. Occupation is the concomitant of empire, but now the costs of invasion and occupation dwarf the costs of insurgency. It’s no sure thing that the Israelis will be able to expel the Palestinians, their ultimate aim. Even if they do, it will only lead to greater instability over a wider area. The Axis of Resistance is opening new fronts almost daily across the Middle East. The U.S. empire and Israel have neither the military and financial staying power nor the regional support necessary for a lengthy war.

At Israel’s behest, demented warmongers are urging an alliance attack on Iran, which would exponentially compound its difficulties. An attack would probably bring in Russia and perhaps China. The alliance’s only option would be to take it nuclear, which could lead to humanity’s extinction. That’s apparently what the warmongers have been looking for all these years.

The West’s rulers and string pullers regard their internal opposition as so many Hamas, Houthis, Hezbollah, and Iranians. That characterization is more apt than they realize, particularly in the well-armed U.S. Anything those “extremists” can do in the Middle East can be done by what the Biden administration reckons are tens of millions of “domestic extremists” in the U.S. And what the Middle Eastern extremists are in the process of doing is defeating the U.S. government and its allies.

While much of the Western citizenry remains supine and susceptible to state propaganda and narratives, the ranks of the aware and engaged, fed by the alternative media hydra, keep expanding. Even the Corruptocracy and its media mouthpieces are starting to realize that fundamental change is afoot. At Davos, there were begrudging admissions (and lamentations) that the media no longer controls the narrative and dim recognition that nobody trusts it. Invitees even subjected themselves to Argentinian president Javier Milei’s and Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts’ excoriations.

What the Davos set doesn’t get is that for the next few centuries, change will messily burble up from the bottom, not be neatly imposed from the top. That’s actually the way it’s been for centuries, but the top has gotten all the press. Politics, governments and war are newsworthy, innovation and progress are not. The perpetual war of the former on the latter never gets mentioned at all. Regardless, the top will go on proposing; the bottom will go on disposing.

The transition in global affairs is hailed as multipolarity, but multipolarity proponents show little recognition that it’s not just the American empire and its confederates in the crosshairs, but all governments. Those coming together in the various not-the-West arrangements are still governments, and are just as tyrannical and corrupt as Western governments, in many cases more so.

Multipolarity will proceed full steam ahead, but it won’t stop until there are 8 billion plus poles, call it multi-multipolarity. The age of the state and ostensible control is giving way to the age of the individual and instability. That doesn’t mean that order won’t eventually emerge, but it will be order based on individual sovereignty, cooperation, and voluntarily exchange, or as friend of SLL Leif Smith calls it—freeorder—“Order spontaneously emergent from the imaginations and actions of free people.”

Recognition can come from anywhere. Governments may offer concessions to the new reality, their wiser functionaries realizing that limits on their power are better than no power at all. Argentina’s Milei could turn out to be in the vanguard of a much larger trend. Governments will never abolish themselves, but any moves towards freedom and away from control will be beneficial.

In the interim, instability will reign, and we ain’t seen nothing yet.

30 responses to “Controlled Instability, by Robert Gore

  1. Thank you for an excellent and coherent synopsis.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Your article, my friend, is the stuff of which PHD’s are earned! Specifically:

    “What the Davos set doesn’t get is that for the next few centuries, change will messily burble up from the bottom, not be neatly imposed from the top. That’s actually the way it’s been for centuries, but the top has gotten all the press. Politics, governments and war are newsworthy, innovation and progress are not. The perpetual war of the former on the latter never gets mentioned at all. Regardless, the top will go on proposing; the bottom will go on disposing.”

    It begs for more, and we will get it – good and hard!


  3. Pingback: Controlled Instability, by Robert Gore | NC Renegades

  4. Well, I must still presume that occasionally one of “the Deplorables” rises up from an unremarkable deplorable, to one that cannot avoid being remarkable!


  5. Pingback: Nothing New Under The Sun 2016

  6. Pingback: Controlled Instability – The Burning Platform

  7. I forget who made the comment of VIP’s on a airplane, some diplomat or something, he said Americans live in another world regarding agitprop and deception.

    That has gone worldwide in the time of Great Delusion and the Chaos Genie doesn’t just fit right back into the bottle when you snap the fingers.

    Like the Dogs of WAR or the Lenin quote about the revolution having a mind of its own.

    Be of good cheer one world Nimrod worship has failed every time and many empires have boasted of ruling for 1000 years only to last just over a decade.


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  21. Off topic. I just finished Grey Radiance and it was a fantastic read! I don’t know what “style” of writing you’d call yours, but it flows and captivates ones mind.
    Again thanks!
    Chris (CIII)


    • I don’t know what one would call my style, either. My overall goal is to seamlessly integrate a compelling story with political and philosophical themes. In other words, writing that “flows and captivates ones mind.” I’ve never accepted the distinction between so-called “literary” fiction and “popular” fiction. In Chapter 16, Stateside, of TGR, Nick describes his, and my, stylistic goal: “Ideally, his flow of words went straight to their [his readers] minds, and the way he wrote it was never a distraction.”

      Thank you for your comment. It’s good to know that I’ve achieved what I’ve set out to do with one reader.

      Liked by 1 person

  22. Excellent, Robert! I only wish this was required reading for all high school and college students to open their eyes. I guess it will take a complete collapse of this corrupt, syphilitic-thinking government to shake folks awake. And that will not happen until Amerika goes full Weimar. I hope that will be soon. Bleib ubrig. – DTW.


  23. Imposed structure is what allows tyrants to exist. As long as the populace is convinced that it is the only way to remain safe is to be slaves they will demand an enslaver. The free exercise of will and choice is the most feared threat of statists. Too many people think that when things go awry because of the ‘current’ leader they just need to choose a new leader with the same character flaws that promises to take them to the same destination by a different route, and thereby reality will be different when they arrive.



  24. Pingback: Controlled Instability, by Robert Gore — Der Friedensstifter

  25. Britain’s Balfour Declaration reflected the thinking and experience of at least 100 years of recent experience with non-Western people who proved utterly incapable of resisting Western militaries and who otherwise lived in poverty if not squalor. Maharajahs and mandarins were nothing. Only the Japanese mobilized with a vengeance to get their act together and master Western technology.

    Palestinian could be expelled from their homes and killed and who needed to give a hoot. Think of Churchill’s behavior in Kenya IIRC.

    The ass whipping that the IDF got from Hezbollah in 2009 (?) was a wakeup call for Israel as are the present unpleasantness in Ukraine and recent experience in Nagorno-karabakh. Ditto for the US as carrier battle groups much further east than Gibraltar are vulnerable as never before to hypersonics and interdiction of trade is possible by hitherto insignificant groups. 

    US and European economic and fiscal lunacy in pursuit of pathetic domestic clients, parasites, and lotus eaters is just another hypersonic but one launched from the home territory. Ditto immigration.

    So the notion of gradual amelioration and ever greater rationality has proved to be a pathetic joke and internal strife and ever-stronger foreign nations will put the lie to present pretensions, woke stupidity, and all manner of irrational sacred cows (“carbon,” the patriarchy, feminists, perverts, and all manner of other minorities). 

    in short, a giant game of 52 Pick Up is in our stars. And no one will care one whit for any Supreme Court decision or pronouns or feelings, or the legacy of slavery. Reality bats last as someone observed. All rationality and honor was squeezed from our national life so we were unequal to the task of exercising the least bit of foresight or demonstrating the least bit of self-respect and self-preservation.

    We could have made a decent adjustment to new realities. Think of what might have been had we treated Russia decently after 1991. But magnanimity and foresight were no in our genes. But, hey. How ’bout those Redskins!


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