Burning Down the House, by Jim Quinn

We’ve got an invasion going on our poor excuse for a southern border, but not a dollar for that. But they can find $95 billion for Israel, Ukraine, and even Hamas. From Jim Quinn at theburningplatform.com:

“I’m an ordinary guy burning down the house. Hold tight. Wait ’til the party’s over. Hold tight. We’re in for nasty weather. There has got to be a way, burning down the house.” ~ Joe Biden [just kiddin’ — lyrics from ‘Burning Down the House’ by Talking Heads]

America’s house is being consumed by a raging hot fire of Marxist-Maoist, Islamofascist, anti-American Democrat Paty radicalism and Republican cowardly fecklessness and, too often, complicity. America can’t be “built back better”, when everything the Biden regime currently supports is damaging some part of Her infrastructure; and, the country sure as hell can’t be built back better or “made great again”, when a Republican Speaker, with the purse strings in hand, refuses to put America first over Ukraine and Israel, in order to secure the wide-open southern border, which further subverts traditional America and tells our enemies, both foreign and domestic, that America is ripe for a final death blow.

It’s well and fine to wish to help our Israeli allies, with whom we do have standing treaties that oblige us to send them a certain amount of military support each year, under a $38 billion memorandum that was signed in 2016. However, it’s like having a blazing, red-hot poker stuck straight up the taxpayers’ collective asses to discover that the U.S. is sending much more than required to Israel by way of a new bill put together by Speaker Mike Johnson, the Democrats and RINOs, on April 20th 2024, and $9 billion of the total $95 billion, for both Ukraine and Israel, is going to “humanitarian aid” for Gaza, which is the same as saying “more military armaments” for Hamas terrorists. And yet, these goddamned rat bastards in Congress couldn’t see fit to set aside money for actually securing our own borders or demand that our borders be sealed, secured and the alien invasion halted, before one damned red-cent is spent anywhere else.

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2 responses to “Burning Down the House, by Jim Quinn

  1. Well you have to burn it all down by any means necessary in order to build hammer and sickle back better.

    I don’t feel bad for people too dense to figure out what the CPUSA (D) branch of the UNI bird is about as they have been broadcasting it for 100 years.

    Bread and Circuses and the old stale break the chains of religion and the Patriarchy for these shiny new chains are a strong siren song…for some.

    O/T-That FBI spy girl at the monitor is kind of hot, maybe we could hook up for some Female Body Inspection?

    You’re like 93 octane girl, premium. (rimshot)


  2. Gandalf Carlin

    Life During Wartime, AIR, I’m Not In Love are my favorites by the great TH.

    Adrian Belew played some of his best solos ever with them and his 1982 song Momur is the Karen anthem, he finally has enough when she scratches his favorite axe.

    Especially TH Life During Wartime now that we are in Skyfall mode thanks to internal quisling traitor rat sellout POS vermin of the UNI who work for the FEW who rule over the many.

    A wretched hive of scum and villiany.

    Fam is watching something cool AF, elder Sigmund Freud versus C.S. Lewis!



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