The Bad Faith Olympics, by James Howard Kunstler

If we continue to “weaken” Russia, one of these days it will rule Eurasia. From James Howard Kunstler at

“This is the weirdest era in human history. By far. Nothing else even comes close. Billionaires trying to kill everyone. Civil society unable to form a coherent thought. Institutions lie in smoldering ruins. Poisons handed out like candy. We are Neanderthals with iPhones.” — Dr. Toby Rogers

   Did it warm your heart to see all those blue and yellow Ukrainian flags waved by our elected officials in Congress Saturday night with the passage of the $60-plus-billion aid bill to the Palookaville of Europe? You realize, don’t you, that the tiny fraction of that hypothetical “money” — from our country’s empty treasury — that ever reaches Ukraine will rebound on the instant into Mr. Zelensky’s Cayman Islands bank account. The rest of the dough enters the recursive shell-game between US weapons-makers and the very hometown folks in Congress waving those blue and yellow flags, who will receive great greasy gobs of fresh “campaign donations” from the grateful bomb and missile producers. No wonder they’re cheering.

     What the $60-plus-billion won’t do is provide any fresh arms and equipment to Ukraine’s sad-sack army soon enough to prevent Russia from bringing this cruel, stupid, and unnecessary war, which we started, to a close. Yes, we started it, not Russia, in 2014 with our Intel blob overthrowing elected President Viktor Yanukovych in the so-called “Maidan Revolution of Dignity” (what Wikipedia calls it). And for what reason? To jam Ukraine into NATO as a prelude to “weakening” Russia sufficient to bust it up and gain control over Russian oil, ores, and grain.

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2 responses to “The Bad Faith Olympics, by James Howard Kunstler

  1. Read a comments section stating that “we” are borrowing $10 billion a day (h/t-Z) to keep the bread and circuses charade going.

    Things that can’t go on forever won’t as great mind once said.

    Prepare passionately for when the plates go full Palooka and take the plunge.


  2. Neo is the One

    Das Teevee is showing the FIB spy room monitors with all the Sorrows campus protests.

    Chair throwing, water bottle bashing on head of Porky donut molester, is this building it back better or burning it all down?

    So glad the mad neurologist with goggles laughed as bolts of electricity arced off of my head when I defeated the Flash Gordon mind sucker machine with a Braingasm and then the greatest song ever played…

    Ennio Morricone-The Ecstasy of Gold


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