This one will stay with you. From Ray Jason at

With our world drowning in so much senseless war and bloodshed, I have recently been thinking about finishing a project that I began several years ago. It is a short but powerful anti-war film that combines my personal Vietnam experience with the immortal message of the Napalm Girl.

However, my film-making skills are very limited. But Fate smiled upon me, and a professional film editor anchored near me a few weeks ago. After developing a friendship, I mentioned my long-dormant project.

He agreed to assist me at a very reasonable fee, and we spent a few days seated at his editing console, piecing together this little film. Even though it is only 14 minutes long, my hope is that it is Powerful, Poignant, Poetic and Persuasive.

If you find merit in this video, please share it widely, so that we can “Give Peace a Chance!”


3 responses to “NAPALM GIRL ANTI-WAR FILM, by Ray Jason

  1. Pingback: NAPALM GIRL ANTI-WAR FILM, by Ray Jason — Der Friedensstifter

  2. Colonel Kilgore Trout

    There is a dank Banksy style artwork of NG running from creepy Ronald McDonald circa Iraq II era, saved in the Hall of Archives.

    The you have the watches but we have the time actually started in The Nam.

    Lord Acton was right about the banksters who fund the warpigs.

    The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks.

    John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron Acton, 13th Marquess of Groppoli

    Breaking from The Colonel-FIB warns of coordinated attack on Das Homeland. (h/t-DM)

    Heads up, head on a swivel.


  3. Neo is the One

    Breaking-11 Arizona republicants indicted by grand jury for the blasphemy of questioning the extra most bestest (s)election evarz.

    The regular programming (wink) was interrupted and also featured particularly unflattering photo of Rudy G.

    Thou doth protest too much?

    Punishment Park or Monday Night Rehabilitation against the legendary Beef Supreme in the Dildozer?

    Not Sure.

    Remember when we would mock fourth world turd societies that do lawfare on political prisoners?

    Good Times.

    And a Tik Tok ban, I might check it out now and didn’t watch the first Matrix until about 2006.

    Met L Fishburne in meat space during adult beverage store/poison center manager days and C Broadus AKA Snoop Dogg who chose wisely with cases of Dom. (h/t)

    I did sale the signed bluntwraps poster for some coin.


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