Alvin Bragg and The Art of Not Taking Law Too Seriously, by Jonathan Turley

Trying to unravel the legal justification for this case is harder than trying to do a Rubik’s cube blindfolded. From Jonathan Turley at

Below is my column in The Hill on the first week of testimony in the Trump trial. It is making Rube Goldberg’s 13 step self-operating napkin look like a model of efficiency and clarity. It is so convoluted and illogical it is mesmerizing.

Here is the column:

Rube Goldberg, the inventor of bizarre machines that performed simple tasks through dozens of mechanical steps, was once asked about the essence of creating such fantastic, illogical machines. He replied “An inventor is simply a fellow who doesn’t take his education too seriously.” After the first week of testimony, the trial of Donald Trump is increasingly looking like a mad prosecution machine by lawyers who don’t take law too seriously.

I have long been a critic of the Bragg indictment as legally incomprehensible. However, I must confess that after a week of testimony, some of us have developed a weird fascination with the utter madness of the scene unfolding in Manhattan. It was not until the second week of proceedings that Bragg even revealed part of his theory of criminality. For months, even liberal legal analysts have expressed dismay that Bragg’s indictment had not clearly stated what specific crime that Trump sought to conceal by allegedly misrepresenting payments to former adult film actress Stormy Daniels.

The premise of the prosecution always had that Rube Goldberg feel. It was so implausible as to be impossible. After all, the base charge is a simple misdemeanor under a New York law against falsifying business records. Trump paid Cohen hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees and costs, including $130,000 for a nondisclosure agreement with Daniels.

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One response to “Alvin Bragg and The Art of Not Taking Law Too Seriously, by Jonathan Turley

  1. Neo is the One

    I have a cartoon of the Deutsche Rube Goldberg machine and boy is it a doozy.

    The law is whatever the comrades say it is like that Humpty Dumpty…“When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.

    Comrade Beria approves.

    If only Cruella Pantsuit the inevitable had smashed muh glass ceiling they wouldn’t have to chase the Orange Roadrunner around so much.

    Meep, Meep.


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