Global Bankers Are Suddenly Worried About The Soaring US National Debt, by Tyler Durden

How will the banking cartel, of which the Fed is at the center, protect itself when debt implodes and interest rates skyrocket? From Tyler Durden at

In January of this year JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon argued in an interview with Fortune Magazine that the record US debt ‘Is a cliff…and we’re going 60MPH towards it.”  He claimed that the situation was a global market rebellion waiting to happen.  His comments preceded reports that the national debt was increasing by approximately $1 trillion every 100 days due to the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hikes.  US debt has climbed over $11 trillion since March of 2020.

It’s a problem that bankers should have been able to predict well in advance:  The inevitable Catch-22 scenario in which the Fed must either raise rates to stop inflation but cause debt to skyrocket, or, the Fed must lower rates and return to QE to alleviate debts but also trigger an even greater inflation crisis.

The bottom line?  There’s no way out.  While Jamie Dimon suggested the economy was headed off a cliff in another ten years, it’s likely the threat is approaching much sooner.  Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan told Fortune in February that:

‘We need to get after’ America’s $34T national debt: ‘You can either admire the problem or do something about it…’ 

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