Pulling America Back from the Precipice, by Matthew Brouillette

A rarity: a public company CEO who is both intellectually forthright and a capable writer. From Matthew Brouillette at realclearwire.com:

It’s not often than a CEO of a large, publicly traded company speaks bluntly in public about politics and political power. So, both “surprising” and “refreshing” describe energy executive Nick Deiuliis’s new book, Precipice: The Left’s Campaign to Destroy America (Republic Book Publishers).

Deiuliis, a chemical engineer and attorney by training, is director and chief executive officer of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania-based CNX Resources Corporation, one of the largest natural gas exploration, development, and production companies.

In addition to penning Precipice, Deiuliis is a prolific writer on topics ranging from the American Civil War to professional sports to the Federal Reserve to music. When he’s not writing, he hosts “The Far Middle,” a weekly podcast that tackles topics including energy, business, politics, culture, sports, and more.

In short, Deiuliis does not fit the stereotype of the CEO of a publicly traded company.

As an energy leader, Deiuliis is an unapologetic advocate for his industry, and he makes a strong case that abundant and affordable energy is indispensable for developing and prosperous civilizations.

But his book’s subtitle – “The Left’s Campaign to Destroy America” – best captures Precipice’s focus, which extends far beyond the energy industry. Deiuliis identifies four categories of members of modern society: “Creators,” “Enablers,” “Servers,” and “Leeches.”

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One response to “Pulling America Back from the Precipice, by Matthew Brouillette

  1. Equality in Misery

    Many bright minds warned us years ago about the Long March to burn it all down by the CPUSA.
    The followers of the left hand path can only destroy and will never create anything besides misery.


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