Tag Archives: Intelligence

Idiocracy Explained – New Study Finds Western Diet Impairs Brain Function, by Tyler Durden

Fat and dumb go together when they have a common source: junk food. From Tyler Durden at zerohedge.com:

The dumbing down of America was explained in the 2006 movie Idiocracy, where Private Joe Bauers (played by Luke Wilson), is the definition of an “average American,” takes part in a top-secret hibernation program via the Pentagon, wakes up five centuries later to only discovery just how dumb society has become.

Bauers wakes up in the year 2500, and he’s immediately declared the smartest person in the world. Here’s a snippet from the film:

How does America stumble down a path where its citizens are dumber than rocks in the next couple of centuries, or maybe, in the next couple of decades?

Researchers discovered that volunteers in the study performed with high cognitive processes when they did not consume high fat and high added sugar diets, commonly found in many western-style meals.

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China Overrated by Right-Wing Kooks: These Crazies Are Just Like Hitler, by Fred Reed

I spent a week in China last month, dealing with a drone company whose drones are far superior to anything American companies produce. Here’s news to those who say the Chinese can only copy. By definition you cannot copy something if what your building is better. The Chinese have the largest share of the drone market, by virtue of cutting edge technology. I was in Suzhou, which has 10 million people. It’s next to Shanghai, which has 24 million people. In my week in China, I didn’t see one fat person. Maybe a few pounds overweight, but they’d be considered normal, not even obese, here in the US. Everywhere I went, people were working, working, working. The US underestimates China at its peril. From Fred Reed at theburningplatform.com:

One often sees the silly assertion by right-wing extremists that feminists, social justice warriors, and other “cranks” are enstupidating American education. The purpose. according to these fascists, who are just like Hitler,  is “to make historically incompetent groups look competent.” The racism in these absurd claims is obvious. In particular such  Neo-Nazis say that mathematical education is being destroyed to benefit “retards.” This “dumbing down,” they say, will hand the future to China.

This is conservative drivel. Nothing suggests that China is gaining on the US in science and technology, except the evidence, and this can be ignored. It is particularly important to keep in mind that the Chinese cannot innovate, only copy American technology.

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He Said That? 10/12/15

From Blaise Pascal, French  mathematician, physicist, inventor, writer and Christian philosopher (1623-1662):

I would prefer an intelligent hell to a stupid paradise.