We Are All Truckers Now, by Sally Zelikovsky

The government has just a few tools in its kit to counter the truckers: fines, denial of necessary licenses, arrest, and violence. None of these will either address the truckers’ legitimate grievances or increase the government’s support among Canadians. From Sally Zelikovsky at americanthinker.com:

As momentum from the Freedom Convoy in Canada mounts and works its way into the US, and similar convoys spring up in Europe, Australia, and New Zealand, people are collectively standing up to two years of COVID restrictions, lies, misery, and abuse at the hands of our government masters. And we owe it all to Canada’s truckers. Oh, Canada’s truckers! We love you!

But it’s not just the truckers. It’s their families traveling with them. It’s the ordinary citizens bringing them fuel, hot drinks, and meals. It’s the throngs of people braving the cold and raising maple leaf flags in solidarity. It’s those sitting on the sidelines, cheering them on—hoping they don’t cave; praying they continue to resist. It’s the non-MSM journalists actually interviewing truckers and hearing their well-articulated grievances for the first time and revealing that, it turns out, they aren’t the Nazis, terrorists, racists, white supremacists, small fringe minority, or Neanderthals the Trudeau-Biden elites would have you believe.

The truckers make a clear case for freedom. They understand tyranny when they see it. As trucker after trucker emerges as Sikh, Jew, Black, Asian, Ukrainian, and regular white guy, they scoff at the simplistic and over-used, now ho-hum and fully anticipated, fabricated accusations that they are racist terrorists. Those who came to the West from far lands are afraid, however, that the misery and oppression they left behind in their home countries are coming to their adopted homelands.

No hoods. No swastikas. No Confederate flags. Those are all just government-fed fictions.

And what’s the reaction of the officials both in Canada and the US? To pressure GoFundMe to cancel the $10 million raised for the Freedom Convoy; freeze out truckers and their children by having police remove their fuel cans in sub-freezing weather; arrest an old man for honking his horn; and starve out truckers and their families by threatening to arrest people who bring them food and drink. Meanwhile, the Biden administration and Pete Buttigieg plot to find alternate routes around bridges facing long delays because of the truck convoy and the state of Michigan brandishes the possibility of forcibly removing the big rigs and their supporters from the Ambassador Bridge.

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