Tag Archives: alternative media

Panic Pandemic – Why are people who should know better buying the Covid19 hype? by Catte Black

The human race will recover from coronavirus, it may never recover from the current idiocy. From Catte Black at off-guardian.org:

(Photo by PIERO CRUCIATTI/AFP via Getty Images)

The only certainty about the ‘novel’ virus is that a great deal of nonsense is being talked about it by people who really ought to know better, and a great deal of opportunism is being displayed.

From Netanyahu grabbing the chance to postpone his corruption trial to Hollywood starlets claiming they have ‘tested positive’ (surely not a sad and cynical attempt to up their profile), this bandwagon is seething and teeming with those trying to seize their moment of fame or get rich or stay out of jail or just join in the mayhem

It’s cool to be nCoV-positive now. Maybe that’s why such inordinate numbers of famous people are staking their claim to it.

ISIS are apparently a bit worried about nCoV also and is allegedly sending out travel advisories to its jihadists.

Yup, that’s a real thing, right there. Really happening. Definitely.

Meanwhile, the propaganda is relentless, and there’s a variety for all tastes.

If you like your fear porn vanilla you can read all the articles based on total speculation that tell you millions will die if we don’t demand martial law and vaccines. (Speaking of vaccines, the as-yet-untested Covid19 vaccine is going to mandatory in Denmark, and in the US the manufacturers will have legal immunity should it cause any ill-effects).

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Take a Chill Pill and Come Back Tomorrow, by Doug “Uncola” Lynn

Is coronavirus going to kill millions or is it a propaganda psyop? From Doug “Uncola” Lynn at theburningplatform.com:

This is the third Coronavirus article I’ve written in the past month.   The previous piece has become one of my most viewed, perhaps because it took a skeptical view regarding how Coronavirus® had “been reported, coupled with how it’s been handled, its dubious origins, the alleged number of infected and deceased, as well as the age and general health of those who are reported to have died”.

The article, at the same time, allowed for the dangerous reality generated by COVID-19 and, especially, in regards to the reactions the virus has generated. Here are a few examples of those modifiers:

In any event, healthy skepticism is not close-mindedness, per se, because we may one day have a genuine pandemic on our hands.

….However, it could be that everything we’re seeing regarding COVID-19 is real…

… So is COVID-19 real or is it a marketing gimmick?

….Once again, it could be this latest incarnation of coronavirus is a real killer and the mortality rates now being reported are completely bogus.

… to be sure, the public reactions, including within the financial markets, are real.

Although that last article slanted towards my suspicions, it also left some wiggle room if only because COVID-19 is not a hill I’d risk my credibility to die upon. There’s no need and I have nothing personally at stake. Honestly, I’m just an American Nobody playing it like Popeye umpiring a baseball game;

 I y’am what y’am and I calls ’em as I sees ’em.

And be assured that one thing is absolutely certain at this point in time:  COVID-19 has obtained near 100% global psychological saturation.  Admittedly, it has become a very big deal.

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Attacking The Source: The Establishment Loyalist’s Favorite Online Tactic, by Caitlin Johnstone

Attacking the person making an argument, and not the argument itself, is a time-honored way of distracting from the weakness of one’s own argument. From Caitlin Johnstone at caitlinjohnstone.com:

If you’re skeptical of western power structures and you’ve ever engaged in online political debate for any length of time, the following has definitely happened to you.

You find yourself going back and forth with one of those high-confidence, low-information establishment types who’s promulgating a dubious mainstream narrative, whether that be about politics, war, Julian Assange, or whatever. At some point they make an assertion which you know to be false–publicly available information invalidates the claim they’re making.

“I’ve got them now!” you think to yourself, if you’re new to this sort of thing. Then you share a link to an article or video which makes a well-sourced, independently verifiable case for the point you are trying to make.

Then, the inevitable happens.

“LMAO! That outlet!” they scoff in response. “

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The Media Awakening, by the Zman

When it comes to propagation of the truth, the old battles fought out in the mainstream media that mirrored the country’s political divide no longer apply. The mainstream media has rendered itself an irrelevant propaganda arm of the government, and the dissident “woke” realize the only truths their going to get are from the alternative media. From the Zman at theburningplatform.com:

In the current crisis, one of the useful and clarifying ways to divide people is in how they respond to the mass media. On the one hand are those who just assume everything reported, regardless of the alleged partisan bias, is fake. It’s manufactured for some undisclosed reason and fed to the many airheads working in media. The other side of this dive are those who still think the political theater is real. They take one side or the other in the mock battles between the two wings of the bipartisan uniparty.

You see this in the “fake news” stuff among Trump supporters and opponents. For those supporting Trump, the fake news outlets are those that “report” bad things about their guy, while the real news outlets are the sites that sing his praises. Of course, the people in the anti-Trump camp take the opposite view. In other words, these people don’t think the news is fake. They think the other side’s news is fake. It’s the same old Red Team – Blue Team dynamic, just decorated with new language for the Trump era.

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How the Fourth Estate Illuminati Silences the Right, by Leesa K. Donner

The more the mainstream media and the big social media outfits try to stifle non-approved political views, the stronger the alternative media gets. It’s thriving because it delivers something an increasing number of people want: skepticism of official story lines, hard-hitting analysis, provocative questions, and something closer to the truth. From Leesa K. Donner at libertynation.com:

Journalism has taken quite a beating since the turn of the century. This is true on the business side of the equation and regarding its reputation as a non-biased source of information. The adversarial relationship between the president and the Fourth Estate has not dissipated since Donald J. Trump was sworn in on Jan. 20, 2017. And a good argument could be made that it’s gotten even more ugly in the public square. This war of words has turned into an all-out frontal assault on those the legacy press perceives as its enemy: the political right. So, it’s worth checking in on the state of the battle. Who’s winning? Who’s losing? And perhaps more significantly: How effectively is the war being waged?

The Bloody Inkwell

It’s not difficult to determine who is being targeted. The legacy press has set its sights on the right, but within that category the Illuminati are gunning for three types of adversaries: well-known conservative individuals, large and small organizations, and public citizens. As for the how, the big-city scribes have chosen the sniper attack as their primary operational-tactical strategy. That is, establish a cover position, lie in wait, and pick off the enemy one by one.

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Humans Are Creating Their Own Narratives, by Michael Krieger

What scares the powers that be the most is the thought of millions of information sources and communications that they cannot control. From Michael Krieger at libertyblitzkrieg.com:

Somewhere between the arrest of Jeffrey Epstein and his extremely suspicious death in a Department of Justice operated prison, the public learned that an FBI intelligence bulletin published by the bureau’s Phoenix field office mentioned for the first time that conspiracy theories pose a domestic terrorism threat. This was followed up last week by a Bloomberg article discussing a new project by the U.S. military (DARPA) to identify fake news and disinformation.

We learned:

Fake news and social media posts are such a threat to U.S. security that the Defense Department is launching a project to repel “large-scale, automated disinformation attacks,” as the top Republican in Congress blocks efforts to protect the integrity of elections.

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency wants custom software that can unearth fakes hidden among more than 500,000 stories, photos, videos and audio clips. If successful, the system after four years of trials may expand to detect malicious intent and prevent viral fake news from polarizing society.

Recall that after the 2016 election, focus was on social media companies and we saw tremendous pressure placed on these platforms by national security state politicians and distressed Democrats to “do something” about the supposed fake news epidemic. Fast forward three years and it’s now apparently the U.S. military’s job to police human content on the internet. This is the sort of natural regression a society will witness so long as it puts up with incremental censorship and the demonization of any thought which goes agains the official narrative.

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The Censorship of Alternative Media Is Virtual Book Burning, by Daisy Luther

Are ostensibly “private” companies with deep ties to the government, like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Google, capable in a legal sense of “censoring”? Given their importance to many alternative media outlets, when they kick outlets of their platforms, they are in practical fact censoring them. From Daisy Luther at theorganicprepper.com:

Recent discussions about an executive order that would “help protect” conservatives from bias on social media have brought a bone of contention to the forefront. Are alternative and conservative media actually being censored or are non-mainstream journalists and bloggers just whining?

As the owner of a website that is demonstrably facing censorship, I can tell you that from my point of view, we Americans are currently in the midst of a virtual “book burning” akin to the ones we look back on in shame.

The history of book burning

As early as 221 BC in China, the burning of books has always foreshadowed a crackdown on dissent and information. It’s probably no surprise that Adolph Hitler ordered the burning of “subversive” books in Nazi Germany, and the McCarthy era brought public burnings of any book that could be – if one’s imagination was stretched to the absolute limit – related to communism.  There are many cases of modern-day book-burning, and it generally links to opposing views, either religious, social, or political.

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Matt Drudge’s ‘Future’ Is Now Realized, And That Has Legacy Media Enraged. By Timothy Meads

The alternative media is eating the mainstream media for breakfast, much to the consternation of the mainstream media. From Timothy Meads at townhall.com:

“Bringing these groups together is beyond irresponsible; it is essentially conducting a hate summit at the White House,” the Southern Poverty Law Center proclaimed Monday morning regarding President Donald J. Trump’s social media summit last Thursday.

Based off that line, you would think the president hosted KKK leader David Duke in the Rose Garden for a Sunday interview as if his opinions mattered. No, actually, that was CNN who did that in 2016, but President Trump did something far worse in the eyes of the Left — he invited citizen journalists, bloggers, and humorous people who make memes to the White House. In doing so, the president sent a loud message to America that internet pioneer Matt Drudge’s vision of the world has been all but finalized thanks to social media and the power of the internet. This has legacy media, and their allies like SPLC, terrified that they are losing their power over public discourse.

In 1998, Drudge gave a speech before the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. in which he mapped out a future. He dreamed of a national press free of editors and beholden not to corporate masters but driven by the ever industrial spirit of the American citizen reporter.

Back then, after taking the lead on the explosive Monica Lewinsky scandal, Drudge told the Press Club that “…clearly there is a hunger for unedited information, absent corporate considerations.”

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Are “Conspiracy Theories” Tearing Society Apart Or Saving Us From Destruction? by Brandon Smith

Russiagate was yet another conspiracy theory the alternative media helped prove was a conspiracy fact. Instead of a hollow pejorative thrown by Establishment toadies and their mainstream media, “conspiracy theorist” is becoming a badge of honor. From conspiracy theorist Brandon Smith at alt-market.com:

The phrase “conspiracy theory” is often used by establishment agencies, the mainstream media and useful idiots as a tool to dismiss legitimate evidence or viewpoints that disagree with their predetermined version of events. This method of propaganda was not always as widespread as it is today. The phrase was not “created” by the CIA, but it was in fact weaponized by them in the 1960’s after the assassination of John F. Kennedy with the express purpose of shutting down rational debate.

CIA memo 1035-960, circulated within the CIA in 1967 and exposed through a freedom of information act request by the New York Times in 1976, outlines strategies the agency would use to shut down critics of the Warren Commission Report. Specifically, they suggested the accusation of “conspiracy” with negative connotations attached, predominantly in mainstream books and articles. This was indeed done through the CIA’s many puppets in the media, and the concept of “conspiracy theory” as a pejorative was born.

Through the use of strawman arguments, red herring fallacies and sophistry, the incredible scale of evidence (exposed by investigators like New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison) suggesting the Warren Commission was either corrupt or ignorant in its findings was buried in a flurry of hatchet jobs and hit pieces. And this was the goal, of course; to attack the messenger and silence the truth without having to go through the ugly process of directly confronting the truth.

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Faith No More: America’s Trust in Mainstream Media Hits Rock Bottom, by Robert Bridge

It’s taken a long time, but the mainstream media has managed to destroy the public’s trust in it. From Robert Bridge at strategic-culture.org:

Gone are the days when US consumers looked to the nightly news and print media as a trusted source of information, and especially if they hold conservative views, according to a new poll by the Columbia Journalism Review.

Things are going from bad to worse for the US legacy media as its trust credentials have reached an all-time new low, as if that were possible. It has even achieved a lower trust rating than lawyers and members of Congress.

The introduction to the CJR poll provided the following ominous opening: “For decades, we’ve known that Americans don’t trust the press. What we haven’t known is how people view the makings of journalism, from the use of fact checkers and anonymous sources to the question of whether money skews journalistic decision-making. This new national poll for CJR answers those questions, and points to how big the trust gap remains.”

Indeed, the cynicism on the street should have every mainstream media purveyor in a state of absolute panic.

In one particular finding, it was revealed that many news consumers believe that reporters, seemingly in an effort to push forward with a political agenda, are too quick to run with a story before knowing all of the facts. This has never been more true before than in the Trump era where anything goes, so long as it trashes conservatives.

We have just witnessed ample proof of that media tendency in several high-profile cases. This week, attorneys for Nick Sandmann, a student from Covington Catholic High School, filed a lawsuit against the Washington Post, seeking $250 million in damages for negligence.

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