Tag Archives: Homeless

Super Bowl Delayed As L.A. Officials Clear Homeless Encampment From 50-Yard Line

From The Babylon Bee:

LOS ANGELES, CA—Tonight’s Super Bowl event has been temporarily delayed so LA authorities can clear out a homeless encampment that sprung up overnight on the 50-yard line.

“Unfortunately, we may have to delay the game by 30 or 40 minutes,” said a maskless Mayor Eric Garcetti while trying to hold his breath as a big yellow bulldozer demolished a row of tents behind him.  “Everything’s fine. Nothing to see here! LA is a wonderful place to live!”

Some experts claim that the homelessness epidemic in LA is due to crushing government policies that drive up the cost of living and make owning a home impossible for anyone making less than $12 million per year. Other experts have condemned those first experts as “homelessphobes.”

After being cleared from the stadium, the homeless crowd will be relocated to an encampment out of sight and out of mind, at least until the big game is over.


Incoming Illegal Immigrants Provided Better Living Conditions than U.S. Homeless, by Steve Lamb

In a perfect world governments wouldn’t be providing anyone with shelter, except the military. However, if governments go into the shelter business, shouldn’t US citizens rather than illegal immigrants have first claim? From Steve Lamb at cfpup.org:

skid row

After an absence of nearly 40 years, I visited Skid Row in Los Angeles. In my Pentecostal youth, I volunteered to provide services to the folks who lived there. They were predominantly WWII and Korean War male veterans, mostly white, single and alcoholics.

The world has changed. In 1970, L.A. County had a population of 7 million; today it’s about 10.3 million. When I helped on Skid Row, there were about 1,500 people living there, and the population of down & out was largely limited to that area.

Today there are 60,000 homeless throughout L.A. County, with 5,000 on Skid Row, maybe higher. The situation in Skid Row became so dire that the conditions didn’t even meet United Nations standards for long-term refugee camps of one toilet for every 20 people. And compared to other cities, Los Angeles ranks near the bottom of sheltering homeless.

About 35 percent of the homeless in L.A. County are Black American descendants of slaves. The Guardiandescribed the large homeless population in Skid Row as “a patchwork of tents, tarps, boxes and carts, with black and brown faces peeking out from pockets of shade that provide a modicum of respite from the blazing summer heat.”

Skid Row is different too now in that there are families. My heart broke seeing a tall slender Black man walking behind his daughter as she rode her pink bicycle, protecting her from harm.

I sat in an air-conditioned vehicle looking at fellow Americans reduced to living in an incomprehensible and unsanitary situation of danger, insecurity and privation. Yes, there appeared to be substance abusers and those with mental health challenges. But there also were families attempting to remain sane and somehow give their children some sense of normalcy. I wondered how more than 30 years of bad immigration policies and other poor government policies had contributed to the huge numbers of people reduced to living outside – and how much more poor governance lies ahead.

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Seattle is Dying, by KOMO News

This is an intrepid look at the drug abuse and homelessness that’s killing Seattle. It could have been filmed in any number of once great US cities. From KOMO in Seattle:

LA Doubled Homeless Budget, Doubled Homeless Crime, by Daniel Greenfield

Anyone who is surprised by the statitistic implied in the title doesn’t understand government. From Daniel Greenfield at sultanknish.blogspot.com:

It wasn’t all that long ago that the nation watched transfixed in horror as fires tore apart California, destroying homes and claiming lives. In all the debates about global warming and forestry management, one singular cause of the fire was left unaddressed.

Global warming wasn’t starting the fires. People were.

Last December, the 422-acre Skirball Fire that forced the evacuation of 700 homes and took 10 days to put out was started by illegal cooking in a homeless encampment. The Leo Baeck Temple in Bel-Air, which celebrates “social justice”, even sued Los Angeles (both city and county) over fire damage for ignoring multiple complaints about the homeless encampment and the fire hazard that it posed.

This November, the Los Angeles Zoo had to evacuate its animals over a fire in yet another homeless encampment. That fire not only endangered lives, but diverted resources from fighting the much more serious fires in Ventura County.

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More Than Half A Million People: America’s Homelessness Crisis Is Rapidly Exploding On Both Coasts, by Michael Snyder

Quickly rising homelessness in the “glamour” cities on the cost demonstrates the gap between those who can afford these metropolises and everyone else. From Michael Snyder at endoftheamericandream.com:

The homelessness crisis in the United States is getting a lot worse, and it is happening at a pace that is absolutely frightening.  Did you realize that more than half a million Americans are homeless right now?  One out of every four homeless Americans actually has a job, but thanks to rapidly rising housing prices they are not able to afford a place to live.  So every night in this country, hundreds of thousands of people are sleeping in shelters, in their vehicles or on the streets.  It is a national crisis that isn’t going away, and during the next economic downturn it is only going to intensify.

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Jedi Mind Trick: The Disturbing, Destabilizing Abnormal Is Now Normal, by Charles Hugh Smith

Many weird things are going on and nobody’s batting an eye. From Charles Hugh Smith at oftwominds.com:

Disturbing, destabilizing abnormalities are now accepted as normal life in America.
Forgive me for wondering if the populace of America hasn’t fallen for a Jedi mind trick:
Disturbing, destabilizing abnormalities are now accepted as normal life in America:
1. Sprawling tent camps of homeless sprout like flowers of poverty in U.S. cities, leaving mountains of trash that speak volumes about systemic failure, destitution and overwhelmed city services.
2. The Federal Reserve’s vaunted “Wealth Effect” that was supposed to be a tide that raised all boats at least a bit has concentrated wealth and power in the top 5%, 1%, and 1/10th of 1%, leaving the bottom 95% with diminished prospects and a thinning stake in The American Project.
3. The stock market’s year-long levitation while the real-world economy decays is a perverse counter-correlation that reflects the widening divide between those enriched by the asset bubbles and those left further behind.
4. In the midst of a supposedly resurgent U.S. “recovery” in its 9th year of wonderfulness, the opioid epidemic has killed tens of thousands and crippled hundreds of thousands of lives and families, yet the federal government, supposedly the most powerful force on the planet, is frozen in a decades-long law-enforcement/Drug Gulag obsession, blind to the Big Pharma Cartel that has created and fueled the epidemic as a means of reaping billions in profits.
5. The nation’s Corporate/Billionaire-owned Media obsess endlessly over the chimera of Russian collusion, as if that was the Big Story That Matters, while the nation’s rigged economy is coming apart at the seams.
6. While the Sports Media Empires fret over the decline of fan engagement in the NFL, nobody dares mention that Pro Sports is now unaffordable to the vast majority of households.