Tag Archives: Boris Johnson

Adam Wagner: How a State of Emergency Became the Emergency State

Adam Wagner details the rolling out of the British totalitarian state. From Wagner at theburningplatform.com:

For two years, freedoms we thought untouchable were torn away, and immense, intrusive power over the smallest details of our lives was handed over to a small group of people in government. It is essential we understand how this happened and why.

‘From this evening I must give the British people a very simple instruction – you must stay at home.’

On Monday 23 March 2020, shortly after 8:30 p.m., Boris Johnson broadcast these eighteen startling words to the nation. For the first time in the country’s history, a twenty-four-hour curfew was imposed upon the population. All ‘non-essential’ businesses would be shut. Schools closed. Families divided. Group worship banned. Life as we knew it replaced by a new reality, where our singular focus would be to slow the spread of a deadly new coronavirus.

For the millions watching, the new reality the Prime Minister was imposing was hard enough to digest. The lockdown, which had seemed so far away, which the government had suggested just days before would not happen here, was suddenly a reality. But the shock of the new reality was accompanied by another huge shift for our society. Not only was the lockdown rearranging the basic reality of our social lives, it would also create a new legal universe. For the next two years, the tiniest details of our lives – from whether we could leave the house, where we could work, even whom we could hug – would be decreed by ministers, controlled by strange new laws the likes of which had no precedent in living memory and enforced by what often resembled a police state.

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Western Allies Led By UK’s Johnson Sabotaged Tentative Ukraine-Russia Peace Deal… In April, by Tyler Durden

Nobody makes money off of peace . . . except ordinary, non-powerful people. From Tyler Durden at zerohedge.com:

There’s mounting evidence that the war in Ukraine could have been over by this point, but key Western backers of Kiev sought to sabotage the potential for peaceful settlement through negotiations. That’s precisely what regional Ukrainian media reports concluded as early as May, soon after the UK’s Boris Johnson showed up in the capital on a “surprise” visit to meet with President Volodymyr Zelensky for the first time the month prior

This is what a bombshell story in Ukrainska Pravda said at the time, but which was almost completely ignored in Western mainstream media:

According Ukrainska Pravda sources close to Zelenskyy, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson, who appeared in the capital almost without warning, brought two simple messages. The first is that Putin is a war criminal, he should be pressured, not negotiated with.

And the second is that even if Ukraine is ready to sign some agreements on guarantees with Putin, they [the UK and US] are not. Johnson’s position was that the collective West, which back in February had suggested Zelenskyy should surrender and flee, now felt that Putin was not really as powerful as they had previously imagined, and that here was a chance to “press him.”

Via The Sydney Morning Herald: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson made a ‘top-secret’ visit to Ukraine on April 9.

The Ukrainian media English-language report went on to emphasize that Three days after Johnson left for Britain, Putin went public and said talks with Ukraine “had turned into a dead end”.

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World Boris Johnson Posing as Churchill on Ukraine Is Slapstick Example of War-as-Distraction, by Finian Cunningham

Boris needs something huge to divert attention from his own rank hypocrisy. Ukraine doesn’t really fit the bill. From Finian Cunningham at strategic-culture.org:

Boris Johnson attempting to start a war with Russia partly over an illicit birthday party is a descent into deplorable and gutless slapstick.

The old dictum is truer than ever that stoking conflict in some distant land is an effective distraction from domestic political woes. But in the case of British prime-minister Boris Johnson, the ruse descends into farce.

Johnson is counting the days until his Conservative party finally gets rid of this train-wreck of a leader. Lies, incompetence and scandals ooze from Downing Street under his watch. Even Britain’s Tory press has given up on its loyalty to Johnson who is now seen as an irredeemable election liability for Conservatives.

That’s why Johnson’s “warning” to Russia this week of “severe consequences” if it invades Ukraine sounds downright comical. His attempt at showing political spine abroad is belied by the image of his reputation at home resembling a wobbly jelly.

Johnson claimed with a straight face that the British intelligence was “clear” that Russia is planning to invade Ukraine and install a puppet regime in Kiev. He went on to say that Britain was “leading” the way among NATO allies for inflicting dire economic costs on Russia. This is in spite of the ropey British story being rubbished as not having a shred of credibility.

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Knives Out for Boris Johnson the Cartoon Prime Minister, by Finian Cunningham

Boris Johnson is offering Joe Biden real competition for the most buffoonish major world leader. From Finian Cunningham at strategic-culture.org:

Johnson’s irredeemable clownish antics are being seen as an election loser and Britain’s Conservative party is notoriously ruthless when it comes to pushing lame leaders out the window, Finian Cunningham writes.

The con-job that is Boris Johnson looks to have run its course as the British Conservative party draws the knives to get rid of this bungling prime minister.

The griping and backstabbing from Tory parliamentarians is shredding Johnson’s leadership authority. Even normally supportive British media have become openly derisive about his increasingly shambolic performance.

For several weeks now, Johnson has been making one gaffe after another with more frequency than his usual casualty rate. He is embroiled in a seemingly endless scandal over his Tory party being up to its eyes in corruption and sleaze with the leader of the party himself – Johnson – also implicated and turning a blind eye. Several lawmakers in the Conservative party have been earning more salaries double-jobbing as lobbyists for private firms than they do as parliamentarians.

Other more conscientious Tory MPs are rebelling against a government that is seen as aloof and callous amid economic misery and Covid pandemic mishandling. Johnson’s messy hairstyle looks less like that of a rakish wag and more like that of a tired old scarecrow who doesn’t impress any more.

He’s even admitted recently to giving “car crash interviews” to media and a Downing Street spokesman was obliged to assure reporters this week that the “prime minister is well” which only fuels further speculation that Johnson is undergoing a personal psychological implosion.

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How the Gods Made Britain’s Prime Minister Mad, by Martin Sieff

Joe Biden’s senile, what’s Boris Johnson’s excuse? From Martin Sieff at strategic-culture.org:

In the famous anthem “Rule Britannia,” Britons have proudly sung for hundreds of years that they never will be slaves: But in his Nietzschian mad dreams, Boris Johnson is turning them into slapstick clowns.

“Those whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.”

I have never been an admirer of Friedrich Nietzsche or the grandiose, usually absurd and repulsive statements that pass for his so-called “thought.” (As the Irish political philosopher Conor Cruise O’Brien pointed out, if you think Nietzsche didn’t enthusiastically embrace and urge the extermination of “lesser” races like Slavs, think again).

But this remark, at least is an obvious truth — and Prime Minister Boris Johnson of the rapidly disintegrating United Kingdom of Britain and Northern Ireland has just proved it again.

You might have thought that a country in economic and political chaos with its second main national component (Scotland) heading at full speed towards secession and full independence had enough problems on its own doorstep without trying to pick a full-scale global conflict with the largest (Russia) and most populous (China) nations on earth.

You might have thought that, but think again.

You might have thought that pulling out of the ramshackle European Union and imagining the Brussels Bureaucrats would treat Britain well after Johnson spent a life time making cheap, ludicrous abusive and false insults at it (He is good at that) would lead to more conflict.

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The shocking cruelty of cancelling Christmas, by Brendan O’Neill

That our rulers are cancelling Christmas tells you all you need to know about them. From Brandon O’Neill at spiked-online.org:

The government’s neo-Cromwellian edict is a disgrace.

So Christmas is cancelled. The neo-Cromwellian edict has been issued. The thing that Boris Johnson said would be ‘inhuman’ just a few days ago has now been done. For the first time in centuries people in vast swathes of England – London and the South East – will be forbidden by law from celebrating Christmas together. The government’s promise of five days’ relief from the stifling, atomising, soul-destroying lockdown of everyday life has been snatched away from us. It’s too risky, the experts say; the disease will spread and cause great harm. You know what else will cause great harm? This cruel, disproportionate cancellation of Christmas; this decree against family festivities and human engagement.

This evening Boris Johnson executed the most disturbing u-turn of his premiership: he scrapped the planned relaxation of lockdown rules for Christmas. He commanded that London and the South East will be propelled into Tier 4, yet another Kafkaesque category of authoritarianism dreamt up by our increasingly technocratic rulers. This means no household mixing, including on Christmas Day. That’s millions of planned get-togethers, family celebrations, cancelled with the swipe of a bureaucrat’s pen. Other areas outside of London are luckier: Boris has graciously granted them one day off from the lockdown rules, on Christmas Day, when they may mix with people from other households. They will no doubt give praise to their benevolent protectors for such festive if fleeting charity.

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Letter from Great Britain – 12-19-20,

The British response to Covid-19 has been as screwed up and fraudulent as the US’s. From a letter from Great Britain at theburningplatform.com:

“The Financial Jigsaw” has been serialised here and now is replaced by this weekly “Letter from Great Britain.”

NOTEIf anyone would like an electronic copy of the complete book, I should be pleased to email a free PDF on request to: peter@underco.co.uk. Also a hardcopy of the book, “The Financial Jigsaw” is available priced at £25 GBP plus P&P in A4, workbook format, bound with clear plastic covers, printed locally on demand.

This week in the UK we witnessed a revision of the tiered lockdown rules and it is not pleasant. It’s time to review the facts.  I have spent the past nine months scrupulously examining the facts; I am a committed unbeliever.  I do not wear the mask of allegiance marked out by a lanyard around the neck.  Here, in UK, our government propaganda continues without remission, only complete divorce from the outside world can afford protection.  This is brain-washing on a global scale.  The incremental take-over of advertising slots by the government’s ‘nudge unit‘ is complete.  Even adverts by the usual corporates and the big supermarkets are made nauseous by mealy-mouthed assurances of “safe” shopping.

Why this campaign of terror, I ask?  Why, in the midst of a genuine pandemic, would anyone need to be reminded unceasingly that death is dogging their footsteps?   The short answer is, they wouldn’t.  In a genuine pandemic, this constant mental battering would be superfluous which gives the lie to this crazy situation.

Our government has bought the mass media lock, stock and barrel, at vast expense, with the sole purpose it seems, of hammering home a message of impending doom.  Instead of calming our fears with facts and rational arguments, they have seen fit to flood the airwaves with slogans calculated to maintain panic; with disingenuous appeals to the emotions; with out-of-context death counts, wilful obfuscation of the difference between cases and infections, a fraudulent PCR test https://www.globalresearch.ca/coronavirus-scandal and graphs and computer models carefully selected to emphasise the worst possible eventualities.

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UK PM Meets With Bill Gates To Discuss Implementing ‘Global’ Vaccine Program, by Steve Watson

When Bill Gates and high government officials in any country get together, only good things happen, so we should all be happy. From Steve Watson at summit.news:

Boris Johnson intends to use Britain’s presidency of G7 in 2021 to implement Gates Foundation’s “global approach” to “health security”

The British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, currently being criticised for imposing another lockdown based on questionable data, has met with Bill Gates to discuss implementing a global “health security” program using Britain’s G7 presidency to speed up the process.

Johnson met with Gates along with the CEOs of ten of the world’s biggest pharmaceutical companies to foment plans to roll out the vaccine for coronavirus.

Every CEO agreed to commit to providing “fair” access across the globe to the vaccine when it is ready.

Johnson said that the opportunity the G7 presidency in 2021 affords Britain will allow the nation to spearhead a global health plan developed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in partnership with the Wellcome Trust.

The plan was unveiled by Gates at the UN in September, where he called for  overhauling big pharma’s capacity to manufacture “vaccines and treatments.”

Johnson hailed the effort as a “new era of collaboration for problem solving,” and “pandemic preparedness,” adding that it will be a “truly global endeavor”.

The Prime Minister said that world leaders should have heeded Gates’ warnings years ago, and must now work with his Foundation to prevent “something like [Covid-19] ever happening again.”

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The More the EU Tightens Its Grip, the More Countries Slip Through Its Fingers, by Tom Luongo

It appears that the UK will definitely slip through the EU’s fingers. From Tom Luongo at strategic-culture.org:

It finally looks like the four-and-a-half-year saga of Brexit is coming to an ignominious end. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson called the final bluff of the incompetent bureaucrats in Brussels, walking away from trade talks while leaving the door open.

But that door is only open if the EU is willing to crawl in on its knees and give the UK what it wants, a minimal free trade deal, Canada-style, which was offered by then President of the European Council Donald Tusk.

The EU played hardball giving zero ground for four years while undermining the UK from within its own political and bureaucratic structures. It was as transparent as it was cynical, but it couldn’t sway the British people and that gave Johnson the political will to just say no.

And it was this hardball negotiating stance that had worked in the past finally broke like waves along the Cliffs of Dover. The reason why it failed was that arrogance was fueled by powerful forces having their back,

They believed in the power of coercion being stronger than the will of the British people.

And they were wrong. Dead wrong.

In an instant this past weekend the entire façade of he the EU’s inevitability vaporized as Johnson went on TV and told the world to prepare for a No-Deal Brexit, regardless of whether that was the optimal outcome or not.

It signaled to the rest of Europe that no longer do you have to take the diktats of a bunch of feckless, unelected technocrats if you don’t want to. And this failure to secure submission of the Brits will have immense consequences during this next election cycle in Europe.

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Whose Great Reset? The Fight For Our Future – Technocracy Vs. The Republic, by Joaquin Flores

The Great Reset will have an entire vocabulary of Orwellian “newspeak.” From Joaquin Flores at strategic-culture.org:

People living in the western world are in the greatest fight for the future of pluralist and republican forms of governance since the rise and fall of fascism 75 years ago. As then, society had to be built up from a war. Today’s war has been an economic war of the oligarchs against the republic, and it increasingly appears that the coronavirus pandemic is being used, on the political end, as a massive coup against pluralist society. We are being confronted with this ‘great reset’, alluding to post-war construction. But for a whole generation people have already been living under an ever-increasing austerity regimen. This is a regimen that can only be explained as some toxic combination of the systemic inevitabilities of a consumer-driven society on the foundation of planned obsolescence, and the never-ending greed and lust for power which defines whole sections of the sociopathic oligarchy.

Recently we saw UK PM Boris Johnson stand in front of a ‘Build Back Better’ sign, speaking to the need for a ‘great reset’. ‘Build Back Better’ happens to be Joe Biden’s campaign slogan, which raises many other questions for another time. But, to what extent are the handlers who manage ‘Joe Biden’, and those managing ‘Boris Johnson’ working the same script?

The more pertinent question is to ask: in whose interest is this ‘great reset’ being carried out? Certainly it cannot be left to those who have built their careers upon the theory and practice of austerity. Certainly it cannot be left to those who have built their careers as puppets of a morally decaying oligarchy.

What Johnson calls the ‘Great Reset’, Biden calls the ‘Biden Plan for a Clean Energy Revolution & Environmental Justice’. Certainly the coming economy cannot be left to Boris Johnson or Joe Biden.

How is it that now Boris Johnson speaks publicly of a ‘great reset’, whereas just months ago when those outside the ruling media paradigm used this phrase, it was censured by corporate Atlanticist media as being conspiratorial in nature? This is an excellent question posed by Neil Clark.

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