This Is Your Last Chance, Part Two, by Robert Gore


The biggest trend change in history.

Part One

Supposedly collectivists will reap the rewards of the only things they produce—destruction and death. After the collapse, a global collectivist government will replace the current multiplicity of collectivist governments. Most of the collapse’s survivors will become slaves living on subsistence doled out by the small aristocracy that will rule the planet. The real work will be done by artificially intelligent machines. The slaves will be pacified chemically and electronically through ubiquitous virtual reality technologies and monitored ceaselessly while the aristocrats live in unimaginable splendor. Those who resist pacification and enslavement will be “corrected,” or if that fails, murdered.

This is simply a straight line projection of the present and recent past that ignores a fully evident counter-trend still gathering steam. After a centuries-long, bull-market run, government as an institution has topped out. The plans and predictions of the global totalitarians are the overconfident rationalizations of newly minted millionaires at the top of bull markets—the “permanently high plateau” in 1929, the “new economy” in 2000, “house prices only go up” in 2007, and “the Fed’s got our backs” now.

We already have shining examples of totalitarian collectivist failure in really big countries with lots of people—the Soviet Union and Communist China. The former collapsed after tens of millions died, the latter made a mid-course correction towards more freedom after tens of millions died.

Blithering idiots attribute those failures to incomplete control by the totalitarians or claim collectivism can only work when the whole world is completely enslaved. They ignore the core quandary of collectivist control—it produces nothing. Collectivist governments steal, they don’t produce. A global collectivist government will produce exactly what the current multiplicity of collectivist governments produce: nothing. Yet, this government will supposedly build the world back better from the ashes of financial, economic, and political collapse.

Collectivists have perfected a demand management technique that obscures but does not solve the productive inability of the economic systems over which they presided: murder a lot of people. People are producers so production shrinks faster than populations, exacerbated by the collectivists’ unerring ability to kill the most productive people. Today’s collectivist killers plan to use the same demand management technique, but this time AI machines will make up the shortfall.

Current AI technology isn’t there yet but somehow a slave society will produce the innovations necessary to get it up to snuff. The absurdity of this presumption is captured in the contradiction in terms that will supposedly fill the gap: state science. State science is the approved propaganda of the moment propagated by state functionaries and cohorts mislabelled as scientists—for instance the rampant convolutions, contortions, corrections, and prevarications that characterize the Covid travesty, climate change, and green energy.

As for slavery, Alexis de Tocqueville had the last word on its economics in 1835.

It is true that in Kentucky the planters are not obliged to pay the slaves whom they employ, but they derive small profits from their labor, while the wages paid to free workmen would be returned with interest in the value of their services. The free workman is paid but he does his work quicker than the slave; and rapidity of execution is one of the great elements of economy. The white sells his services, but they are purchased only when they may be useful; the black can claim no remuneration for his toil, but the expense of his maintenance is perpetual; he must be supported in his old age as well as in manhood, in his profitless infancy as well as in the productive years of youth, in sickness as well as in health. Payment must equally be made in order to obtain the services of either class of men: the free workman receives his wages in money; the slave in education, in food, in care, and in clothing. The money which a master spends in the maintenance of his slaves goes gradually and in detail, so that it is scarcely perceived; the salary of the free workman is paid in a round sum and appears to enrich only him who receives it; but in the end the slave has cost more than the free servant, and his labor is less productive.

Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, Volume One, 1835

The slaves will own nothing because they’ll produce next to nothing. It’s doubtful they’ll be any happier with that state of affairs than slaves have been in the past.

Turning again to the historical record, the accomplishments of state science and industry are an almost undetectable molehill compared to the Everest of innovations and wealth flowing from free scientific inquiry and production. Picking through this meager molehill, one finds that many state “accomplishments” are merely new and improved ways to kill people.

Setting aside straight line projections, what’s actually coming is a history’s greatest trend change: total financial, economic, intellectual, and moral collapse. The staggering sum of global debt, unfunded liabilities, and derivatives is in the quadrillions, a double-digit multiple of global production. The numbers are so large and opaque that a more precise estimate for that multiple cannot be derived. Every asset and stream of income is already pledged as collateral—often several times—or will be de facto collateral as governments’ bankruptcies and rapacity mount; they’ll steal whatever they can get their hands on. What most of the world reckons as wealth is somebody’s debt or equity, so insolvency will quickly work its way through the daisy chain. So much for financialization.

Like financial and economic collapse, intellectual and moral collapse will center on governments. Billions of people indoctrinated in some version of statist dogma will look to governments as the solution for the government-created apocalypse. Courtier intellectuals, media lights, corporate shills, and other minions and toadies will be scurrying like cockroaches in a filthy kitchen when the lights are turned on. Their voluminous output of putrid, state worshipping dreck will have the same value as fiat debt and currencies.

Today’s “thought leaders” are circling the drain. They’re on the wrong side of history and they’ll take billions of devout believers in government omniscience and omnipotence with them. Fat cat crony collectivist corporations all the way down to those subsisting on some form of state-granted transfer payments will find the government teat withered and barren. The delusory notion that bankrupt governments can provide universal basic incomes will be treated with the universal derision it deserves.

Government has been collapsing under its own weight for decades. If one were to graph its overall strength, the U.S. government at the end of World War II was peak government—the U.S. empire was at its unchallenged economic, political, and military apex. Vietnam, Nixon’s abandonment of the gold standard, the fall of the USSR, the war on terror, the Patriot Act, and the Covid insanity would mark some of the downward inflection points since.

History will probably look back on the Biden camarilla’s fraudulent ascension to power as the final sharp break, the demarcation of the vertiginous crash. It’s hard to imagine that the institution that plays such a huge part in all our lives will simply be rubble amidst the chaos and ruins, but few people foresaw the end of the Soviet state either. Straight line projections don’t yield such predictions.

To those who rule and are trying to implement their global consolidation: This is your last chance to save your own skins. Nothing will stop the collapse, but you can at least abandon your nefarious project and its totalitarian blueprint. It’s your only chance to avoid the Sarlacc pit, and that’s a slim chance indeed. Collapse will focus your victims’ attention on their ruination and your responsibility for it. You’ll be lucky to escape their retribution. Your odious class has always hid your failures and tried to shift the blame, but that game is up.

As always happens after cataclysms, the survivors will rebuild. The human race is a hardy bunch. With previous equity, debt and its corresponding credit assets wiped out, and many real assets destroyed in the mayhem and chaos, there will be little capital to fund their efforts. Capital will be earned and rebuilt the old fashioned way—consumption less than production generating savings invested in enterprises whose returns compound the savings.

With governments either broke or wiped out, emergent groups in smaller geographic areas will have to look to their own resources for protection. On the other hand, they’ll be unencumbered by the confiscatory taxes, stifling laws and regulations, rampant corruption, Big Brother surveillance, perpetual violence, and general idiocy we now take for granted among governments.

There will be a decentralized multiplicity of new political arrangements and subdivisions, from chaotic black holes to well-ordered enclaves. The success of the latter will be due to the freedom they embrace, the individual rights they protect, and their ability to defend their enclaves. New industries, technologies, modes of commerce, and ways of life will emerge. This will be the true great reset, not the Klaus Schwab version, which only recycles failed concepts of centralized power and collective subjugation on a larger scale.

Brace for impact, the collapse is well underway and will soon hit its inflection point, if it hasn’t already. It will be a test of character unlike anything we’ve faced before. It was Jabba the Hut and his creepy cohorts—Planet Tatooine’s establishment—who were blown to smithereens and cast into the Sarlacc Pit. Our enemies’ greatest weakness: the arrogant stupidity of evil and the crumbling bulwark of lies behind which it hides. These are the allies of Samuel Adams’, “irate, tireless minority keen to set brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” Our greatest weapon: the magnificently defiant human spirit that stands on the plank above the abyss and shouts: “Jabba, this is your last chance, free us or die!”

48 responses to “This Is Your Last Chance, Part Two, by Robert Gore

  1. Pingback: This Is Your Last Chance, Part Two – The Burning Platform

  2. Pingback: This is Your Last Chance - American Freedom News

  3. Pingback: This Is Your Last Chance, Part Two, by Robert Gore | NC Renegades

  4. Was waiting for Part two. Wasn’t disappointed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Linked as usual; @


  5. Pingback: Nothing New Under The Sun 2016

  6. That’s a version of the collapse. who knows?
    i have a different thought, a what if?
    Still have this feeling, these thoughts that Trump will make his grand reappearance, and the crowd will go nuts. People will continue or forgive him for his part in all that has taken placed and once again put him on a pedestal.
    Ya never know!


  7. Pingback: This Is Your Last Chance, Part 2 - MAGAPAC

  8. Pingback: This Is Your Last Chance, Part 2 – MAGAtoon

  9. Pingback: Esta es tu última oportunidad, parte 2 »

  10. Pingback: This Is Your Last Chance, Part 2

  11. Pingback: This Is Your Last Chance, Part 2 | ZeroHedge

  12. Pingback: This Is Your Last Chance, Part 2 – Biz Patriot

  13. Pingback: This Is Your Last Chance, Part 2 – Sovereign Vision

  14. Pingback: This Is Your Last Chance, Part 2 – Vigilant Veterans

  15. Pingback: This Is Your Last Chance, Part 2 - Bugle Call

  16. Pingback: This Is Your Last Chance, Part 2 - Scott Adams Show

  17. IF they can’t own it, they’ll try to destroy it.


  18. Pingback: This Is Your Last Chance, Part 2 | Censored News 24/7

  19. Pingback: This Is Your Last Chance, Part Two – Biz Patriot

  20. Pingback: This Is Your Last Chance, Part 2 – House GOP MAGA

  21. Pingback: This Is Your Last Chance, Part 2 – Freedomizer Radio

  22. Pingback: This Is Your Last Chance, Part 2 – MDC News Today

  23. Pingback: This Is Your Last Chance, Part 2 -

  24. very well done for your view of the world,,,i AGREE. thank you. This has been the most eyewaking past two years of my life,,,,i thought in the past that this was the direction our society was headed but to have to DEAL WITH,make plans for and prepare, is sometimes overwhelming to think about,,,,but i have no other choice, or i will DIE,,,,in a weird way i have never felt more FREE, but being free is not some romantic idealized concept that most people think,,,sometimes it can get harrowing and THAT also is very invigorating ,,,,i think it might be like jumping out of a pefectly sound airplane and hope you packed your shoot just right, and when it opens you LIVE FREE to die another day.lolololol

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Pingback: This Is Your Last Chance, Part 2 – Understanding Deep Politics

  26. Pingback: This Is Your Last Chance, Part 2 - Red State Talk Radio

  27. Pingback: This Is Your Last Chance, Part 2 |

  28. Pingback: This Is Your Last Chance, Part 2 | New Covenant Network News

  29. More than four hundred years ago, a great citizen wished to embed the fifth of November forever in our memory. His hope was to remind the world that fairness, justice, and freedom are more than words; they are perspectives. So if you’ve seen nothing, if the crimes of this government remain unknown to you, then I would suggest that you allow the fifth of November to pass unmarked. But if you see what I see, if you feel as I feel, and if you would seek as I seek, then I ask you to stand beside me, one year from tonight, outside the gates of Parliament, and together we shall give them a fifth of November that shall never, ever be forgot.

    V for Vendetta Revolution Speech


  30. Pingback: This Is Your Last Chance, Part Two - 10z viral

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  32. Pingback: This really is Your Last Chance, Component 2 - Dirty News

  33. Pingback: This Is Your Last Chance, Part 2 -

  34. Gee, wonder why they’re installing concrete barriers around the white house? It looks like they expect the building to be stormed by masses of people?

    Liked by 1 person

  35. AnAmericanStory .

    To Joe blow, that’s exactly what I was thinking. is scared. They know they are in the wrong but just don’t care. The thing that blows me away is that so many weak people fell for and are still falling for the propaganda. The total lack of any large, organized push back for the destruction that has taken place over the last two years is very concerning. There has been some but know were near enough. I guess when it gets to each one’s own front door then it will get addressed. Good luck to everyone fighting the good fight.

    Liked by 1 person

  36. The barriers around the White House and that Brad Pitt Zombie movie World War Z most likely….Just more Hollywood, or I mean CIA predictive programming. Someone once attributed a quote to Bush Sr. that “If the American People ever find out what we have done, they will chase us down the street and lynch us.” This quote is very relevant now as Anthony Fauci uses deception and lies to subject us to medical tyranny and genocide and to bring about the New World Order they have long hoped for. Unfortunately, the CIA/pharma/tech media has very successfully kept this quote under wraps stating that Bush Sr. never said it. When he basically wanted a new world order and did everything in his power to create the foundation for it and pretty much helped author Executive Order 12333 that is helping to enslave us today. Sadly not many people talk about how the Bush family was in deep with Hitler and World War II or how they have used the CIA to kill many people around the world. These Hollywood pandemic movies showing the hordes of people to me are a reference to what these people must fear will take place if the truth of their treachery ever comes in to the full light of day.

    Liked by 1 person

  37. Some glaring typos in the Tocqueville quote.
    Worth fixing ..,


  38. The de Tocqueville quote brought to mind an echo of similarity from one of Booker T Washington’s books, either Up from Slavery or Working with the Hands; the gist of it being that slaves as productive instruments were very poor investments, studies demonstrating that two free white men were more productive than five slaves.

    And did not constitute an ongoing expense either. Good reads, both.


  39. UBI can work. Part of it is here already for retirees. How can it work? Look at all the money they create and GIVE away for decades now. The misspending and all that ROT. If they did not illegally steal from us called taxation for starters and the people need to be thought about Bible morals, however, even if one steals can suspend this notion and makes things difficult.
    So you can see the trillions they have wasted and given away so much I always said no one would NOT have to work after 40 in America having put in 20 years of productive life of giving with government by base men out of the way and have enough secured wealth for himself and his children for many generations.


  40. Besides a zombie plague in there somewhere I pretty much envision this future too.


  41. Thank you Robert. Nice two pieces, again.

    One comment: we have to stop talking of a better state / better statism / benevolent rulers, etc. We have to get rid of this shit all together.

    There is a solution but not many people can wrap their mind around the simplest idea which is in fact the only way out of the misery we are in now.

    It is in Aedificium Humanae Sortis:

    Liked by 2 people

  42. Pingback: Strange Daze: Quote Unquote

  43. Pingback: Strange Daze: Big Fish. REALLY Big Fish

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