Tag Archives: Leftists

Deconstruction: Why Leftist Movements Cannot Coexist With People That Value Freedom, by Brandon Smith

The leftist mantra is: “I control, therefore I am.” That is why they cannot live and let live. From Brandon Smith at alt-market.us:

It should be clear to anyone paying attention during this current stage of instability in our modern era that something is very wrong in terms of American society. I’m not talking about ongoing issues of political corruption and economic mismanagement, I’m talking about something much more dangerous. I’m talking about the systematic derailment of our culture, heritage, principals, history and moral compass. I’m talking about the vicious devouring of the very sinews that hold our civilization together.

There is a cancer eating away at America, a concerted and organized effort to destabilize. For anyone who is familiar with the Conjuring movies, it’s a bit like a demonic invasion. As Ed Warren cautions, the three stages of attack are infestation, oppression and finally, possession. The little demon we are dealing with, though, comes with Antifa patches, rainbow flags and special pronouns.

This week I came across a statement by Georgia representative Marjorie Taylor Greene in which she called for a “national divorce”, a separation of conservative red states and far left blue states, a parting of ways due to our obvious irreconcilable differences. Leftists within the corporate media, of course, flipped out, accusing Greene of inciting treason and the destruction of the US.

While I don’t generally put much stock in the comments of politicians I think it’s important to address this particular sentiment because it echos the arguments made by the Liberty Movement and the alternative media for many years. It’s just surprising to hear a prominent public figure say what we have been saying for so long.

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Leftists Aren’t Capable Of Surviving Economic Collapse – Here’s Why, by Brandon Smith

Because they are bunch of physical, mental, emotional, and moral wusses. From Brandon Smith at alt-market.com:


There is one factor that constantly stands out as absolutely essential to a person’s chances at surviving a crisis event, and that factor is mindset. Experience and training are highly valuable, having proper tools and preps on hand is a huge advantage. But in the end, without mental toughness and the ability to adapt the most prepared person in the world will still likely bite the dust.

Mental toughness is something that can be taught, to a point. This is the entire purpose of basic training methods used in the military: To take mundane details and elevate them in the minds of trainees while wearing them down with physical punishment. The goal is to condition the mind to ignore distraction, to ignore fear and pain while focusing on the task at hand. Failure is not an option in war, just as it is not an option in survival. Those who embrace distraction and embrace failure because they think it will make things easier for them are filtered out of the recruitment pool, or the gene pool.

It is no coincidence that the US military today is dealing with some of the worst recruitment conditions they have ever seen in terms of people being physically and mentally incapable of finishing basic training. The Pentagon currently estimates that 77% of young Americans are unfit for recruitment without a waiver for obesity, drug use and mental health problems. Meaning, Gen Z is so unfit physically and mentally if there was a major war almost 80% of them would be erased from existence.

The problem has become so bad that militaries in the US and throughout the west are being forced to lower standards just to meet minimum personnel goals. One can argue that many young people don’t want to join the military anyway, but this is besides the point. Even if they wanted to, they would not be up to the task.

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The Evil Of The Political Left Is Rooted In Their Exploitation Of Tragedies, by Brandon Smith

The evil of the left goes far deeper than the exploitation of tragedies (how about the causation of tragedies?) but it is a particularly despicable tactic. From Brandon Smith at alt-market.com:

What is the root of all evil? Money? No, not really. Money is just a tool, like a hammer, a wrench or even a gun. When I think of evil I don’t envision a handgun or a rifle or a big pile of hundred dollar bills. Instead, I see nightly news talking heads spreading disinformation and fear. I see mobs of over-emotional and ignorant activists setting fire to buildings, tearing things down because they don’t know how to build anything useful and new. And above it all, I see a small group of elites hovering, licking their chops as they fantasize about the potential power that can be gained from exploiting the chaos.

The willingness to destroy and cause suffering for personal benefit is evil. The willingness to feed off the tragedies of others is evil. And these are the cold characteristics that currently define the political left.

There have been multiple criminal events and national emergencies over the past few years that leftists have been very quick to hijack or scapegoat onto conservatives, often with embarrassing results for themselves. The most recent being the Colorado “Club Q” shooting in which 5 people died and at least 19 were injured. Here was the mainstream media’s reaction to the event, with little to no facts on hand to back their claims:

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Here’s What’s Next, by Eric Peters

Expect the left’s war on fossil fuels to escalate. From Eric Peters at ericpetersautos.com:

Now that the Left has secured its power, expect the Left to exercise it.

This will manifest in numerous ways but perhaps the most directly felt will be at the pump, shortly – where we can expect the cost of gas and diesel to increase, suddenly – to the point of unaffordability for many. Especially people who do not live in or near cities.

The point of this being to nudge them out of the country, long a percolating desire of the Left.

Superficially, it will be done as a way to nudge people into EeeeeeeeVeeeeees – which are said by the Left to be “zero emissions” vehicles that rely on “renewable” and “clean” energy. Claims that are as false as they are disingenuous (it not being a question of ignorance about those those claims being false). But never mind that, for the moment.

At this moment, it is necessary to at least triple the current cost of gas and diesel – in order to make driving gas and diesel-powered vehicles – including hybrids – financially impossible for most people. In order to make an EeeeeeeeVeeeee seem – per Pete Buttigieg – the “affordable” alternative to them.

Never mind the cost of the EeeeeeeeeVeeeeee itself, as opposed to the cost of gas or diesel fuel.

The point being to make the EeeeeeeeeeeVeeeeee look – just plausibly enough – to the not-too-numerate – as being a way to “save money” vs. spending it on gas and diesel made very costly, indeed. That will be the sell. The hook will be that – even if you can afford to spend what it takes to buy an EeeeeeeVeeeee – you will have difficulty using it.

Unless you live in or near a city.

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Cognitive Cripples, by Eric Peters

Yes everyone disparages the intelligence and mental capacities of their political opponents. However, in the case of hard core leftists, the disparagement is merited. From Eric Peters at ericpetersautos.com:

Leftism isn’t so much an ideology as it is a pathology. Leftists are cognitively crippled, emotionally incontinent and morally blinkered people. This is not to insult them. It is to diagnose them.

The Left’s “my body, my choice” mantra, for instance.

Only a cognitively crippled person would,  on the one hand, assert that a woman has the right to “choose” to end her pregnancy because it is her body while in the same breath also asserting that people have no right to refuse to submit to the violation of their bodies via the “mandating” of “vaccines” – and “masks.”

The Leftist will abide no interference with “my body, my choice”when it comes to the first thing; will militantly assert the primacy of the individual and her right to “choose.” That any limitation of this right is an assault upon her (and every other woman’s) rights. And then insists that no woman – or man – has any right to object to being told they must wear a “mask” or submit to being “vaccinated.”

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Why Is Leftist Entertainment So Divisive And Devoid Of Imagination? By Brandon Smith

Leftists are trapped in a prison of their own making: they care far more about controlling other people and what they think than about beauty, creativity, imagination, and universal truth—the stuff of great art. From Brandon Smith at alt-market.us:

When was the last time you saw an original story out of Hollywood that was worth watching (not counting Top Gun: Maverick)? When was the last time you experienced creative storytelling that did not involve the co-option and retelling of a previous work? When was the last time you saw a protagonist that was relatable, interesting and endearing? Hell, when was the last time you were actually excited to go to the movies or relax in front of the television to watch something new?

Reboots, soft reboots, remakes, live action remakes, re-imagining, gender swapping, race swapping, “rainbow washing” (making classic straight characters gay for virtue signal points): This is a list of new media tropes that have invaded entertainment in the past six years and all of them have been used so frequently that productions can now be quickly identified as woke propaganda by a mere two minute trailer.

The fascinating thing is, almost all of these productions fail miserably. In recent weeks alone we have seen the attempted woke re-writing of history with The Woman King, which fell flat at the box office after opening week, not even making enough money to cover production and advertising costs.

Then there was the gay romantic comedy “Bros” which imploded, causing the lead actor, Billy Eichner, to flip out on social media and blame “homophobia” (somehow he actually believed a movie filled with gay orgies was going to appeal to mainstream audiences). Eichner went on to argue that people MUST go see his movie in order to make a “political statement.” This was the same argument made by Woman King actress Viola Davis – Don’t see the movie because it’s well made, see the movie so you can stick it to conservatives.

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Remembering Hate Speech, by Victor Davis Hanson

Everything the left accuses the right of doing is simply a massive projection of what they do. “Hate speech” accusations are a prime example. From Victor Davis Hanson at amgreatness.com:

What we used to know as “hate speech” is now presidentially acceptable speech, and what has followed from it is no surprise.

It has been a canard of the Left that “words matter.” We are lectured that “hate speech” leads inevitably to street violence.

So how ironic that the Left defames nearly half of America as dangerous “semi-fascist” extremists, white-raged and privileged, ultra MAGA, and guilty of all sorts of thought crimes from secession to civil insurrection? And what is the result?

Does this constant demonization matter? And what are the bitter fruits of such labors? After all, what did Barack Obama long ago mean by “clingers” or once Hillary Clinton by “deplorables”  and “irredeemables”?

What did Joe Biden imply by “dregs” and “chumps” and “semi-fascists”? Or what did the FBI lovebirds really mean by smelly Walmart goers and “hillbillies”? After a point, did not America get this monotonous message?

And what does Joe Biden really mean when he recycles his academic advisors’ tired tropes of right-wing insurrectionists threatening the republic?

MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people. . . . MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards—backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love . . . They promote authoritarian leaders, and they fan the flames of political violence that are a threat to our personal rights, to the pursuit of justice, to the rule of law, to the very soul of this country . . . MAGA Republicans have made their choice. They embrace anger. They thrive on chaos. They live not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies.

When the president fuels the now familiar old narrative by claiming that 75 million who voted for Donald Trump do not live in the “light of truth” but in the “shadow of lies,” and they do not follow “the rule of law,” some questions naturally arise.

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The Symbol of Their Party, by Eric Peters

If you see people who are still wearing Covid masks, you can be pretty sure they are leftists. From Eric Peters at ericpetersautos.com:

People used to wear a pin – or maybe an armband – to signify their allegiance to a political movement. Lately, they wear something else. We all know what it is. It is that thing they call a “mask.”

Of course, it is really something else. That being a symbol of their political affiliation. We all know what that is, too.

Is there anyone in the United States who is still wearing a “mask” that isn’t a Leftist? Please, no more of this “Democrat” business. There aren’t any of those left, except perhaps in the minds of Leftists, who don’t want to admit to themselves what they’ve become.

“Democrat” sounds reasonable.

Which it was, once.

A “Democrat” supported populist policies; i.e. policies that were popular with average people. John F. Kennedy was a Democrat.

Leftists are elitists. They support each other, against the average guy. They want to force the average guy to give up his car, while they drive the $50,0000 EeeeeeeeeeeeVeeeeeee average guys can’t afford – and don’t want. They live in apartments, in cities – and want to use economic warfare to make it very hard for the average guy to live in a single family house, in the country. They favor “smart” everything – by which they mean they’ll control everything – because they think we’re dumb and need to be under their control.

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What’s the Difference?by Eric Peters

Live and let live has never been the operative philosophy of leftists. From Eric Peters at ericpetersautos.com:

There is one enormous difference between Leftists and the rest of us –  and it is not a difference of opinion.

It is that Leftists will not abide differences of opinion, especially when those who hold different opinions dare to act on them. Even when they are in the right – in terms of the facts – and even when their actions do nothing to tangibly, negatively affect Leftists, except insofar as their feelings are affronted.

The whole “masking” (and “vaccinating”) business marked out these divisions. Also the “lockdowns” that Leftists either advocated or enforced.

Not wearing a “mask – or refusing the “vaccine” – causes no harm to others, including Leftists. This is established fact, though it took seemingly forever for it to be acknowledged.

Even more paradoxically – even more revealingly – if “masks” did “work” (in the sense that wearing prevented people from getting or spreading the various “variants”) and the same for the “vaccines” we know no do not stop the getting or the spreading, either – then Leftists ought to have been content to wear “masks” and take “vaccines” themselves and leave those who chose not to wear or take to suffer the consequences.

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America Has Been Flirting With Leftist Disaster – It’s Time To Stop Compromising, by Brandon Smith

This is one of Brandon Smith’s finest articles. From Smith at alt-market.us:

The political left as a movement has proven to be made up of some of the worst people imaginable – The kind of people that thirst for destruction and take joy in the oppression of others. They might think they are reveling in a form of anarchy, but they are actually the opposite: They are chaos creators, but only as a means to gain total control.

However, while leftists make my skin crawl with their pungent scent of evil, there is one group of people that is even more annoying, and that’s the fence sitters and fake moderates.

Though these people will never admit it, there are times when social conflict arises and one side is completely right while the other side is completely wrong. Fake moderates pretend as if there are merits to the side that is wrong even when there are none because they want to appear as though they are “wise.” The truth is they don’t have the guts to take a stand one way or the other, and so they act as if neither side is correct, or that both sides are partially right.

Meaning, the side of destruction is given license to continue their pillaging because, hey, we don’t want to seem like we are discriminating or biased, right?

This is how societies and cultures are slowly but inevitably erased and the principles they hold dear are eroded to nothing. It’s mostly done through apathy and a sedate tolerance of corruption. Compromise is the hallmark of “democracy,” and it is also the root of tyranny. If people did not compromise on their principles and freedoms, tyranny could not exist. This why the Founding Fathers of the US opposed pure democracy and formed our nation as a Constitutional Republic with checks and balances. Democracy alone often demands acceptance of poisonous and oppressive behaviors we might otherwise stop, all in the name of appeasing the “majority.”

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